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a/n: thank you all for your lovely comments / votes on the last chapter. it means the world to me AND THANK YOU FOR GETTING CA TO ONE THOUSAND VOTES


T W E N T Y  N I N E

"So you told him?" I inquire, breaking apart a chocolate croissant.

Katherine grins, her face brightening. She reaches into her purple purse and pulls out a black and white photo, the barely recognizable outline of a fetus visible. "He's ecstatic."

I study the image, a wide grin spreading over my face. "I take it you are too," I grin, handing the photo back. "This is so exciting. A little one! I'm sure Calinda and Liam will be popping one out too any moment."

Calinda frowns and takes a large spoonful of yogurt, ignoring my comment. Katherine passes her the photo and she smiles, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"Harry and I both agreed you should be the Godmother, Elouise."

I can't help the proud smile that dawns my lips. "What? No. Are you sure?"

"Yes!" She squeals, resting one hand on her still flat stomach. "Both Harry and I can't think of anyone who would be better."

"Any talk of marriage to go with this baby carriage?" Calinda asks.

"Not yet, but it's not a big deal to me. I don't need government documentation of my love for Harry."

"I bet he proposes in the next week," Calinda murmurs, giving Katherine a warm smile.

"What am I going to do with my two best friends married off?" I complain. "You're going to be busy with married life and children and I'm going to be--"

"--going out to clubs until two a.m. and dancing with handsome actors!" Katherine interrupts, laying a hand on my shoulder. "Please, Elouise, I'm sure married life will not be so appealing once you see how many diapers and how little sleep I'm getting."

Calinda nods in agreement, her cheeks still rosy and flushed from a little too long in the sun. I admire her bronze skin, wishing I had the chance to get that nice summer glow, despite it being the beginning of December. "Speaking of handsome actors," Calinda adds with a pointed look at me.

I can't help the blush that crawls up my neck and onto my cheeks at their words. "What can I say?"

"Well you can start by telling us how he is in the sack," Katherine says bluntly.

"Well I can see pregnancy has done nothing to calm your libido," grumbles Calinda.

Katherine scoffs. "If anything, it's only increased."

"Well, this is about Elouise's libido now," Calinda teases, tilting her cuppa in my direction. "Details, now."

"It's not serious," I tell them, resting my cup and meeting their gazes. "We're just... we're both not over certain people and we can talk about it and we don't expect anything from each other. He's fun and creative and we don't have to go to every social event and pretend to be these people we're not." I smile, playing with the rings on my finger. "Like, last night, we just laid in his bed and watched John Hughes movies until we couldn't keep our eyes open. No business talk, no strategies. Just us."

"Well, I think that's good!" Calinda cheers, squeezing my fingers. "I'm happy for you, E."

"Me too," Katherine agrees. Her phone buzzes and she jumps up, slapping her hand to her forehand. "Aw, bugger. I completely forgot! Sorry girls, I've got a doctor appointment that Harry's waiting for me at." She presses a kiss to each of our cheeks, a promise to be in touch over her shoulder.

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