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I lay my head against Niall's chest from the back of our private car. The city of Paris whizzes by, but I'm too tired to pay close attention to the beautiful scenery. 

"Rest, love," Niall whispers, kissing the top of my head gently. I yawn and comply, closing my eyes as we pass by Champs Elysees and slow, getting stuck in the infamous Parisian traffic. We'd landed in Paris a few hours ago for the beginning of a three-week European tour in Paris, Rome, Madrid, and London. It has been extensive meetings and press conferences since we took off. It reminds me of my life before I'd become his fiance and taken up the more media-related duties of things. It makes me happy to slip into my old role. It feels good being Niall's right hand man, as it always has. I love being depended upon. I love slipping him notes and jotting down important points made by the investors. I like how they ask for things and then look at me to see if they're allowed to ask those questions. They know I'm the key to getting to Niall--maybe even more so now that I'm his fiance. 

When I awake we're at the hotel. It's more beautiful than anything I've ever seen--maybe even Niall's estate. (We'd left that place near destroyed and with heavy hearts.) It's no secret between my family and friends my affections for Niall and his for me since that amazing party. Everyday I feel a little bit more infinite in his arms, and I don't know wether I should happily throw all caution to the wind or lock my heart up from the ocean-eyed man beside me. 

The paparazzi shout our names as we let nicely suited doorman grab our bags for us. Our suite is already checked in and prepared, thanks to our lovely assistant, Gillian. By lovely I mean overly promiscuous and flirtatious. As a shy, insecure girl, these girls have always annoyed me to know end. Over confident in their seducing ablities and unaware of boundaries, these girls constantly make me shrink away from the spotlight they create everywhere they go. Gillian could be their queen. Everywhere we go, she's got her hand on some young magnate's arm, her laugh ready to bubble out of her throat at the mere hint of a joke. And I don't like the way her eyes linger on Niall for a moment too long or how her words always seem to have a double meaning. Maybe I'm just a jealous, insecure bookworm, but I can't stand the way she seems to know Niall would shag her in an instant if he could.

Niall's hand is steady on the small of my back as we enter, meeting Gillian and Calinda in the lobby. I roll my eyes as Gillian pulls my fiance away with a quick, "I need to run over a few things with you," and a indiscrete glare over her shoulder at me. Calinda joins my side with a shake of the head. As soon as their backs are turned I silently flick her off, making Calinda giggle. My body guard for the trip, Phillip, chuckles under his breath from behind us and I blush. 

"She's such a raging bitch," I mutter in Calinda's ear, watching Gillian wrap her long fingers around Niall's bicep and give it a squeeze.

"Yeah but she's not his fiance, you are. You don't have anything to worry about." Calinda soothes, patting my cheek lovingly. 

"I hope not." I grumble as we step onto the lift with everyone. Gillian laughs about something and I feel a wicked streak of envy and disgust overcome me. Calinda squeezes my hand as the lift starts. I appreciate having her here much more than I would've thought. She's a nice companion to have in this dizzying business world, but I know it's not easy for her to be here and away from Liam for so long. 

We reach the top floor in terse silence, letting Gillian righteously lead us down the hallway. Even the way she walks screams "I'm hot stuff and you know it". I press my fingers to my temple in an attempt to regain my composure, channeling my inner Audrey Hepburn. Calinda and I exchange knowing, reassuring smiles. 

"The bed is so big," Gillian marvels as she stands in the doorway, letting Niall enter with a sultry smile. I walk towards the door and pass through the door way just as she releases it, letting it nearly smack me in the face and knock me over. Phillip catches me as I right myself, giving me a warm smile of assurance before holding the door open for both Calinda and I. 

corporate affairs [Niall Horan AU]Where stories live. Discover now