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A/N: this might be my favorite chapter so far (*unedited*)

T W E N T Y  E I G H T

I'm awoken suddenly by my phone's shrill ring and the glaring light of the screen coming on in my almost dark room. Thinking there must be an emergency or something, I kick off my covers and rush to it. I feel a little light-headed as I reach down and pull the phone to my ear, not bothering to check the I.D.

"Hello?" I gasp.

"I told you I would get your number," comes a smooth, smug voice on the other line. My stomach flips as I sit back against my bed, a wide smile spreading across my face.

"Hugo--how did you--never mind. But why are you calling me so early?"

He chuckles on the other line and I imagine how his sexy Adam's apple must look right now. "Because I have to be at the shelter in about twenty minutes and calling you was the first thing on my mind." My grin grows even wider despite the fact that I roll my eyes. "I was wondering if you'd like to come visit the shelter today, you know, as long as you aren't doing anything."

I cough awkwardly. "Well, I might, you know, be free. Because I'm not working or anything right now and all my suitors are currently out looking for a weekend yacht for us in Monaco and I'm bored."

"So I'm just a poor little common boy up against a sea of princes?"

"Pretty much. Of course." It's quiet on the phone for a minute, but not uncomfortable like it could be.

"I'll text you the address, ok? See you soon?"

"Yeah," I murmur, "see you soon."

"Oh and Elouise?"


"Wear those cute nerdy glasses of yours."

Before I can reply the line cuts off and I'm left watching the early morning sun creep out behind London's infamous grey clouds, a smile like sunshine on my face.


After having dressed quickly and quietly and slipped out our flat with a timid glance at Zayn's door I bound down the front steps and head in the direction of the shelter. I stop along the way at a cute patisserie, ordering croissants, fruit tarts and two lattes.

I find the shelter easily, it's front door a bright turquoise blue color. I step inside and am immediately overcome with warm air and the smell of dog shampoo and cat food. There's a young girl behind the counter filling out paperwork who smiles when she sees me.

"You must be Elouise. Hugo said there was a pretty girl coming by to see him."

I blush furiously, raising my white paper bags with our breakfast, hoping they might be a suitable explanation for my presence. "Um, where is he?"

"Oh!" She jumps up, raising the gate behind the desk and motioning for me to come through. "You must be really special, I've never seen Hugo bring any girls around here."

I freeze at her words, nearly dropping the lattes. "Oh, is that so?"

"Yeah. We adore Hugo. How did you meet him?" I follow her down an all white hallway, listening to the quiet hum of the air-conditioning and the muffled barks and mewls.
"Um, we have a mutual friend." I wince, thinking about Zayn. I have absolutely no clue what to say to him after our kiss last night. I'd laid awake most of the night and thought about it, absolutely terrified of what to say or do.

"And here he is," the girl says, swinging a door open. I'm confused for a moment as the room seems empty but then there's a meowing at my feet and a hand grabbing my ankle and I realize that Hugo is on the floor, his lap covered in tiny, adorable kittens.

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