Chapter One: So it Begins

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January 1st

Marley's POV:
I'm savoring the time mom is spending at home, taking advantage of every opportunity to relax, and right now I'm sitting on the couch with my mom watching my favorite Marvel movie for the hundredth time, while David, my stepdad, is at work.

Bucky is sitting at Pierce's kitchen table, and I squeal in excitement, knowing that Steve and Nat's scenes at Sam's house were up next.

"Anthony Mackie is my favorite Marvel actor!" I squeak, reaching for more popcorn. "He's hilarious, mom! Have you seen the interviews with him and Sebastian?" I know the answer, but still ask.

Mom laughs, "Of course I have hunny. You've only shown them to me every time we watch the movie."

"I do, don't I?" I pause, both of us know what's coming. "But a refresher course never hurts." We both laugh at our predictable conversation, and continue watching the movie.

My phone buzzes, and I ignore it. My phone buzzes again. Who could possibly be texting me? Mom got me this phone for Christmas, I haven't even gone to school with it yet. I realize that whoever it is, they wont be stopping too soon as my phone buzzes for the third and fourth times in quick succession.

I pick up my phone to see who it is. I notice that it's not a contact I already have.

"Let's see what you have to say." I mumble.

*** *** ****
   Good morning beautiful! How's your day?
   Oh, this is the guy you met last night at the bar.
   You put your name in my phone as 'Your Beautiful Drunk *winky face*' could I have your name again so I can change your contact? I forgot your name. Haha
   Sorry 😩

I nearly laugh out loud at the messages, this man was clearly hammered last night. Just before I tell the guy he has the wrong number, I change my mind, and decide to have a little fun.

   Please tell me this isn't the redhead.

I immediately mentally punch myself for picking a redhead instead something more common. There probably wasn't a single redhead at the bar.

I look down and see that the man saw the message. You blew it Marley! You blew it! He starts typing, and deletes it. I shut my phone off and wait. Finally after like five minutes, I get a reply.

*** *** ****
   Ha! No, this is Bas, the brunet.

Okay, maybe I didn't blow it then.

   Phew. Thank goodness! I'm Marley btw.

   Marley! That's it!
   So how's your day going?

   My day is going going pretty alright! I'm wicked tired right now because of the late night, but I'm watching my favorite movie with my mom, so I'm happy. 😇

   You're not alone. Everyone is tired on New Year's Day.
   What movie are you watching?


   What's caws?

   Oh my god


   It's Captain America—Winter Soldier
   Do you live under a rock or something?

   I might. But that is a great movie! I just didn't get the acronym.

   It is indeed the best movie known to man.
   Other than Princess Bride of course. Inigo's the best!

   Hear hear!
   Who's your favorite character in caws?

   Uhh, prolly either Sam, (Anthony Mackie is my favorite actor, and Sam is a pretty cool dude) or Bucky. (Seb is an amazing actor and managed to give an amazing performance without many lines)
   Of course, Nat is my all-time fav, I figured I'd just stick to the 'new' characters.

   Sam deserves more love.
   I mean, he barely knew Steve and was ready to help, and expressed his opinion instead of simply being starstruck.

  I'm glad you agree! It isn't easy to find people who appreciate Sam like that.
   How's your day?

   Okay I guess. Woke up with a huge hangover. Honestly still feeling it now. 😕

   Aww, poor Bas! Do you like tea?

   Some, yeah.

   Try chamomile, or ginger tea. Both help with headache. Peppermint if you're still nauseous.

   Awe, thanks Marley! I'll dig the tea out of the cabinet, and see if I have any of those.

   You're welcome.
   I'll leave you to recover now. Hopefully you feel better after having some tea! ;)

   Bye Marley!

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