Chapter Six: Lets End this

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⚠️DA warning⚠️
(i try not to go into detail, as i don't wanna get things wrong. but the warning i think is necessary on this chapter)

April 25th

Sebastian's POV:
Marley is called off by her stepdad, and just as I'm about to hang up I hear her scream. I put the phone back to my ear, and hear the sound of something hitting something else, and her cries for help line up with the sound.

In that moment something clicks together in my brain. Everything points to Marley's stepdad, David, as being abusive. That first week, she came home and he was mad at her. The random silences in the middle of a conversation, with the excuse that he's just gotten home. And the volume and tone of his voice when he called her off just now.

I mute my end of the phone, so her assailant cant here what's going on down here. And, blinded by rage I storm over to the front desk and ask if they've gotten the notice yet.

"I'm sorry sir, you're just going to have to wait."

"I dont think you understand, a minute ago I could. But now there's a girl up there who's getting physically abused. I'm guessing with a baseball bat. You have to let me up there."

"Sir, we cant do that, you need to have an invitation, and/or we need to have a notice. We currently have neither."

"Oh fine then. Stick to your protocols with no mind to the child who's in danger, and being physically hurt by someone she should trust. A man who should care for her like his own! Just stick to your stupid protocols, and let that happen!"

"Sir, you need to calm down."

"I cant just 'calm down!' Marley is getting hurt! Just let me up there! Let me do something!"

"That's it, I'm calling security."

"Oh please do! I'll let them listen to this live phone call and they'll have to go up, or at least call the police!" At this point I've drawn the attention of everyone in the lobby. People are stopping to stare.

Security rushes over, I calmly stand there. Holding out the phone to them. "Listen." I demand. "That girl is Marley, she lives in the penthouse, I'm here to bring her a birthday present. And this is what's going on up there right now."

The men exchange looks. "We have to at least give it a look." The man who seems to be in charge tells the others.

"I'm coming" I state. "I know Marley, and I care for her. Let me come up with you. I promise I wont get in the way."

The leader of the group looks me dead in the eye, and sighs. "I wont be able to change your mind, I can see that. Just make sure you stay out of the way."

"Yes sir." I reply, and follow the men to the elevator.

They scan a security pass after pressing the button for Marley's floor. Because I was told to stay out of the way, I dont stand directly in front of the door, like I want to. Instead, I have my back to the side wall of the elevator, holding Marley's new teddy bear close to my chest, praying that the delay in the lobby wasnt too long.

When we reach Marley's floor, everyone in the elevator is silent, so I follow suit, and step out as quietly as possible. The open room I step into is quite luxurious, but I dont pay attention to any of the niceties, as I hear a girl screaming, and crying. Where's my little girl? I scream in my head. Thanks to the acoustics, it's difficult to pinpoint where she is, so as everyone splits up, I go off with the head of security.

After going down a short hallway, and down a few stairs we enter the room I have both been looking for, and dreading to see.

"Drop the bat and raise your hands!" The man next to me demands of Marley's assailant. David stops hitting her, and turns around, still holding the girl by the collar of her shirt. Marley's head is hanging down, and she seems weak and small next to the man who's supposed to be her stepdad. But as I see her feebly push against him, it saddens me when I see that she's been awake the whole time, and unable to get away, or hide.

The man next to me repeats what he said, and David replies. I dont hear his words, but the tone reaches my ears clear as day. Condescending, rude, arrogant. He gestures to something with the hand thats holding Marley, and I loose it.

There's probably 20 feet between us, but in an instant there's none. I punch the man, directly in the nose. I then grab the bat from his loosened grip and throw it across the room. "How dare you do this to her!" I shout, and knee him where I know it'll hurt. He doubles over, and releases his grip on Marley's collar. As she begins to fall, something triggers in my brain, and I move quicker than I knew I could to catch her. I then gently lay her on the floor. And take another lunge at the man who hurt her.

Just then the other security guards rush in, and stop me from reaching David. I struggle to get out of their grip, one of them grabs my wrist, and twists my arm behind my back.

"Hey, hey!" He says in my ear. "Take a second, and breathe." I do so, and he continues, loosening his grip. "You take care of the girl, and try to keep her comfortable until the ambulance gets here, okay? We'll take care of this useless piece of trash." I nod in response, and he lets me go.

I shake my head clear, and go back to comfort Marley, who is now leaning against the wall.

"Hey Marley." I say softly, and she looks up.

"Wh-what are-are you doing h-here?" She asks, crying, and genuinely confused.

"Oh, muffin, this was supposed to be a happy day, and an exciting surprise for you. I'm-I'm bas." I tell her, tears welling up in my eyes.

"But how?"

I smile sadly, "A story for another time muffin. A story for another time." I look away for a second, and notice the teddy bear I had brought for her, sitting in the doorway where I had dropped it. "I'll be right back." I promise to Marley, and quickly cross the room to pick up the bear.

"Here." I sit next to Marley and hand her the present. "This is for you." Her whole face lights up, and her eyes seem to double in size.

"This is literally the biggest teddy bear I have ever seen." Marley states, wiping away some tears as the flow seems to have lessened at the sight of the big brown bear wearing a t-shirt.

"It's not the biggest I've seen, but it's bigger than you!" I laugh, as she hugs the bear, and in turn, is almost completely hidden behind said bear. "I can't even see you Marley!" I playfully tug at the arm of the stuffed animal, and she immediately lets go of it.

"Hey, why did yo-" I'm cut off as she hugs me. I know she's hurt, so as I wrap my arms around the girl I make extra sure to hold her gently. As the conscious thought crosses my mind I clench my jaw, and make a silent vow to never let any harm come to her again. From now on, Marley is my little girl. And will protect her. I will protect her from the true monsters of the real world. People like David.

I pull away from the hug, and smile at Marley, "You're an amazing girl, muffin." I brush a lock of golden hair out of her eyes, and stroke her tear-stained cheek. "I just wish I could have stopped him sooner." With that she begins to cry again, but this time she's crying into my chest, I kiss the top of her head, and do my best to give comfort without hurting her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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