Chapter Two: Confusion

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January 1st

Sebastian's POV:
Redhead? I don't remember a redhead at the bar.

I close my eyes, trying to remember more of what happened last night, more like very early this morning.

In my mind I begin to see an ugly, creepy-looking redhead at the bar. I remember seeing the vile man checking out all the young girls. Most of them could have easily passed as his daughters. Gross.

Yeah, I don't blame this girl for hoping I'm not him.

Quickly I type a reply, joking that I am, in fact, that ugly red-headed tramp. I'm about to send the message, but I realize that I might find myself blocked if I follow through with the joke.

"Don't wanna get blocked man." I whisper to myself.

About to send another message, I realize I'm still coming off as a bit creepy. Getting a major stalker-type feeling when I re-read the message. I continue to struggle with wordings for a while.

She's waiting on you Seb! I scold. I definitely don't want to blow this. That woman was absolutely stunning. I sigh, remembering our half-drunk conversation last night.

"Pull yourself together Stan! The poor thing is waiting for a reply! You are not the dude to leave a girl on read!"

Finally, I formulate a message that works. Choosing last second to say 'Bas' instead of 'Seb', reminding myself that I still don't know her.

She replies almost instantly, relieved at who I am. Informing me that her name is Marley. I definitely like that name a lot.

"How's your day sweetheart?" I ask out loud, before asking Marley just that.

Wait, you said your mom lived in Portland Oregon, and you'd just gotten back from visiting her yesterday morning. How'd she get across the country so quickly?

"Maybe you came together? She came to watch the ball drop in person? Yeah, and she just didn't want to got to the bar after." Thinking on this for a minute, I convince myself that this is the situation. "Now, the real question. You don't like super hero movies, so what do you like?"

Probably comedy. I remember Marley as a woman who'd enjoy a good comedy.

What's caws? Did you misspell cars? I could see that.

"No, no. You said you don't like super heroes. Too much is not lining up here." I scan the texts. "She was a little tipsy last night. Is it possible that she put her number in wrong and I'm talking to someone else right now?"

After another minute of this conversation it is obvious that this girl does watch superhero movies, and obviously enjoys them very much. Marley doesn't seem like a bad person though. Maybe I'll keep talking to her, and she'll turn out to be the girl I was talking to last night. And if she isn't, well, there's nothing I can do about it. If nothing else, I'll have had some fun and interesting conversations with someone who's real, and not trying to impress me.

Marley sends me on my way to make tea for my headache, and I welcome the break. My head is throbbing from staring at the screen, even for the relatively short period of time. I think I'll make some tea and go have a nap.


I wake up to my phone going off. Chris, could you please let me sleep uninterrupted for once!? I groan and pick my phone up to silence it, seeing that I'd been out for two hours I decide that I've been asleep long enough. Realizing that my headache is gone, I shoot a quick text to Marley, thanking her again for the tip with the tea. Then I answer Chris.

Christopher Robin-
   Hey Sebby, how'd it go texting the girl you met last night?
   Also, hows the hangover? I just managed to get to the point that I can actually see words. Kinda.

Sebby Boy-
   Ugh, why do you always have to disturb my sleep man?
   And no, my hangover is not as bad as yours, I could see clearly a few hours ago.

Christopher Robin-
   You'd be concerned if I didn't. Now answer my question.

Sebby Boy-
  I was getting there. Stop being so demanding.

Christopher Robin-
   Can't help it. Comes with the hangover dude.
   Now I'm asking you again to answer my question about the girl.

Sebby Boy-
   Okay, okay. Give me a minute to write it out okay?

Christopher Robin-
   So you talked to her this morning?

Sebby Boy-
   Yes, now shush.
I texted her this morning just about as soon as I could make out words. We talked for probably a little less than an hour. And I'm pretty sure she typed her number in wrong, because this girl was very into superhero movies. She was actually watching winter soldier when we were talking. The girl I was talking to at the bar last night said she didn't like superheroes.
   And there were a few other things pointing to a 'wrong number' situation.

Christopher Robin-
   Okay, so you don't think the girl you were texting this morning is the one you were talking to last night. Fair enough, if she was drunk she could have easily typed her number in wrong. But I do have one very important question.

Sebby Boy-

Christopher Robin-
   Do both girls have the same name?

Sebby Boy-
Uhh, yeah, thats the problem. I don't remember her name. The girl I was texting said her name is Marley, but I have absolutely no idea the name of the girl I was talking to at the bar last night. Your guess is as good as mine, man.

Christopher Robin-
   That sucks!

Sebby Boy-
   I don't know, Marley seems pretty nice. I think I'll keep talking to her, see where this leads.

Christopher Robin-
   What if Marley is like, I don't know, too young or old or something?

Sebby Boy-
   That is a possibility. I'll just ask her when she was planning on telling me I had the wrong number, and go from there.

Christopher Robin-
   Good. I don't want you catching feelings for a child or anything.

Sebby Boy-
   Thanks for looking after me man.
   Gotta head out to buy some stuff. Talk later 👋🏼

Christopher Robin-
   Okay, see ya

I make a quick mental list of things I need to get from the store.

Hey Marley, so I'm just headed to the store, and was wondering if there is a specific brand of tea you prefer?

Hi Bas. I usually get the 'Celestial Seasonings' brand for my herbal teas.
You plan on getting lots of headaches or something? 😂

Haha, no. I just realized that herbal teas don't have caffeine, and thought it would be a good idea for those mornings where I'm wide awake, but want something hot to drink. I also did some quick research and saw that some of it helps people to sleep.

Yeah, that makes sense. Celestial even has a few 'sleepytime' teas. They do help.

That's good to know! Thanks again!

No problem bas! 😉

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