Chapter Four: Not Equal

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January 4th

Marley's POV:
Over an hour later I'm done with my homework, I check the time, 6:23. I'm about to text Bas, telling him that my homework is finished. But then I hear the elevator ding, and a crash as David kicks his shoes off too hard and knocks something over. Then he starts cursing loudly, and he yells at me from across the house to pick up the mess, throwing in plenty of insults, and mean, false statements no one should hear.

"Coming!" I call. "Yeah," I mutter, "I'll clean up your mess for you, I'm basically your servant anyway." I roll my eyes and turn back to my phone to delete the message I was about to send. I see that my finger had moved to the 'record' button when I'd turned. With shaking hands, I go to hit the x button, and hasten to go clean up David's mess. But not before silencing my phone, and slipping it under my mattress.

"Get the h*** out here you stupid girl! Clean up this mess! You know it's your fault!" David yells again. I honestly don't see how it's my fault, but I still do what he says, and put the shoe rack back together, organizing everything, and standing his dirty boots on the mat next to the door, where they belong.

David brought home pizza, but I don't comment, or even look at it, knowing that I'm not allowed any.

"Come here girl." The vile man requests.

When I reach him, David grabs my wrist, yanking me onto the couch. I land awkwardly, half laying down. He releases my wrist, instead grabbing the front of my hoodie.

"Why are you wearing this?" He demands. "You're inside!"

"I was-I was c-cold in my-my room."

"I don't want to hear excuses! Take this off and go do your homework!" He smiles, an ugly expression on his face. "Mommy's orders." He says in a stupidly sweet voice that doesn't hide anything.

I nod and get up to go back to my room.

"You mean you didn't do anything when I was gone?" He yells, grabbing me and throwing me back onto the couch.

"N-no. I-I did my home-homework. But-but you told me t-to so I-so I was go-going to do i-it again." I don't even make sense to myself.

David huffs, "Nothing you just said makes any sense! What are you broken or something?"

Yes, I am. Because of you.

"I'm s-sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it. You lied!" His face grows red with anger, "You lied to me!!" He's nearly screaming in my face, spit mists all over my face. "Ugh, you're not worth my time. Just go take a shower, you smell like a sweaty teenager."

"Okay." I get up slowly, heading back to my room.

"Speed it up!"

I walk faster, my feet sliding quickly across the hard floor. I slip into my room and breathe a little sigh of relief in the relative safety. I lock my door, and pick out some clothes from my closet. I like that Momma's job gives her a lot of money, we live in a penthouse for reference, but if she was just home...if she was home I'd be happier, but instead she's always away, and I'm left here with David.

I sigh, and grab my phone. A few texts from Bas...why? I didn't say anything. I read the messages while waiting for the water to heat up.

Just got done with homework, how was your da
   *audio message*

   What's this?
   Is that a movie or real life?
   That's you and your stepdad isn't it?
   He's still mad at you? Are you okay?
   Marley, please be okay!

I sigh again, I can't believe that went through. I swear I deleted everything. How do I reply to this? I don't want to lie, something about this man makes me comfortable. But I know that if nothing else, I have to lie about this. If David ever finds out I told someone what he does to me he'll hurt me, and the other person.

Hi, yeah, I'm ok.
Didn't mean to send that actually.

Are you sure you're ok? He sounded pretty mad. And if that was a movie you shouldn't be watching it.

Hey, don't worry about it.
Gotta go rn though. Till tomorrow?

Yeah, till tomorrow

I hop in the shower, and the hot water feels good on my bruises. I reach for my shampoo and hiss when the water directly hits the cut on my left shoulder blade. Yes, while David doesn't hit me when momma's around, he does make sure I get a good beating or a few cuts before she gets here.

This was the first day I went without a bandage on my shoulder. But I still forced myself to deal with a long sleeve shirt during practice, even though the vests are much more comfortable. Apparently that was a good call, as I seem to have opened it back up. I make a mental note to re-bandage it after my shower, and proceed to wash my hair, off to the side to avoid the soap burning.

When I'm drying off, I debate wether or not I should go out to get myself some food. I do this debate every day, but the answer is always the same. No, I'll get lunch at school tomorrow. With that, I slip on the pj's momma got me for Christmas, and hop onto a video call with her, as she has a little downtime in the late-afternoon.

"Hi honey, how was school today?" she asks.

"Good," I reply automatically, "Practice was great today, and we have a big game on Friday, so coach Nick is really making sure we have the team-chemistry at its peak. 'The other team has better players, but we have a better team.' Is what he says."

"No team or group will succeed if its a bunch of individuals looking out for just themselves." Momma reminds me.

"Hear, hear!" Someone says in the background.

"How do you think we've made it this far?" One of the band members asks, flopping down on the couch next to momma.

"'Cause my Momma keeps you boys in line!" I retort, and Jimmy laughs.

"You know, she's got a point." Ethan says off camera.

"'Course I do!" All three of them laugh this time.

"Ahh, you know Hazel we gotta meet your girl in person sometime." Sheryl says, pushing Jimmy out of frame so she can see me.

"You know you can tag along with me whenever I go back home you know." Momma tells her.

I'm always asking Sheryl about England, and she shows me pictures every time I ask. This time I got to see some pictures from Christmases there from when she was little. When she was my age Sheryl got her first horse that was completely under her name. Then Marlow butted in with the story of her first horse. A little bomb-proof barrel racer, that she named Bunny after Laura's horse in Little House on the Prairie.

Jimmy tried to tell the story of when his birthday gift was choosing which pig to slaughter. But Austin kept interrupting and saying that I'm a child, and not to scar me. I, of course, rolled my eyes because I'd heard the story before. (he chose Barney because he'd been mean to the girl Jimmy liked at the time.)

It's around eight in NY when they have to go get dinner, so we all say our goodbyes. I am completely exhausted, so I throw a pillow at the light switch and roll into bed.

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