Chapter Three: Back to the Norm...Sorta

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January 4th

Marley's POV:
Monday rolls around and I'm back to school, Mom will be gone when I get home today, and I dread going home.

"Bye Mom! Call me when you get to your hotel!" I call as I sling my backpack over my shoulder.

"Bye hunny, have fun at school!" Mom hollers from her bedroom, where she's packing her stuff.

I could go with momma and David to the airport, but that just means I'll be alone with him that much sooner, I know that I'm only delaying the inevitable, but I honestly don't care. The man disgusts me, and I want to spend as much time away from him as possible.

My phone buzzes and I look down. It's a text from Bas.

   Good morning Marley! What are you up to?

   Hey Bas! Not much, my mom is headed out of town this morning, but I'm just on my way to work right now.

   Oh wow

   What? I don't think anything I just said is worthy of a 'wow' 😶

   Oh, yeah, no you didn't say anything like that...its just that you said anything at all. You know, with this being a wrong number situation and all.
   When were you going to tell me?

   I don't know. Didn't seem like the right time when you were still suffering from a hangover.

   Ouch! And yeah, that probably wasn't the best day.
   So you are actually headed to work then?

   Nothing I've said has been a lie, other than the fact that I'm actually walking to school instead of work. 😅

   Cool, so you're honest.

   Yep, my dad always wanted an honest kid. "Ain't gonna be no liars in my house, even young 'uns."

   Sounds like a good man.

   He was.
Anyway, more important stuff going on figured out you'd gotten the wrong number, so are you just going to ghost me or what?

   No, that seems a little unreasonable. I don't want to seem like a creeper, 'cause I'm not, but I don't see anything wrong with texting you. Unless you find it weird, then I won't.

   Well, I don't see a problem with it either.
   Except for the fact that I just literally ran into a light pole! I'm gonna go now before I hurt myself too badly.

   Okay, bye then. 👋🏼

Throughout the school day I'm constantly thinking about Bas. I wonder why he's still willing to talk with me. I'm a complete stranger, and a wrong number text. Above all, I'm a kid. I think he knows that since I said I was on my way to school.

My question is answered by another text on my way home. He does know, or correctly guesses that I'm not in college.

You said you were on your way to school? Is it normal for kids in 2015 to have smartphones already? Did everyone get them on new years and I missed the announcement or something?

I wouldn't be surprised if you were too drunk to remember. 🌀
But no, they smartphones weren't handed out to teens on New Years. My mom got it for me for Christmas, she has a job that makes her travel a lot, so she wanted me to be able to talk to her when I'm out of the house. Which is a lot, I'm in a bunch of clubs and stuff at school.

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