4. Tunnel Club

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haven't you heard the news, that I get to chose
how it plays out
no matter how you scream and shout.

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I guide Jack to The Tunnel Club hospitality area, unique to Etihad and is the first of its kind in world soccer, giving unprecedented access to players, officials and coaches. It is where fans can see the players through a glass before they enter the pitch.

"This is the famous glass tunnel from the players onto the field."

He watches, attentive.

"People stand behind the lanes?"


We are at the beginning of the tunnel, the lights are off, because normally when I know there is going to be a tour, I ask the staff to turn them on, but as this was unexpected, we are being illuminated only by the remaining sunlight coming from the ends of the tunnel. Jack and I walk in short, slow steps, side by side.

"Don't you think it's funny?"

"What?" I turn my face to look at him.

"Us. Here, there, anywhere." I feel his fingers curl into my fist and his thumb circle the spot.

"There is no 'us', Jack." I answer, releasing my hand.

"Don't you think it is too much of a coincidence? City made me the offer the same year you moved to Manchester."

I'm not saying anything because I agree with him, it was really too much of a coincidence. I like to think that fate is bald guy, unemployed, addicted to fast food, and Arsenal fan.

"Why did you leave?" I ask curiously. People always resonate about these things, but I really wanted to know about him. "You were an idol at Villa."

"I know, it was very hard." He says ruefully. Jack slides his hand along the tunnel wall as we walk. "I love Villa, I always will, my whole life happened there, but I wanted to be more ambitious, I wanted to play in the Champions League, play for titles, be among the best in the world, and unfortunately I couldn't do that with Villa this season. City knocked on my door and I accepted.

"I thought you were going to be there for quite a while, I mean, you had renewed your contract last year."

I wouldn't say that I follow what comes out of it in the media, but when you work for a football club, it is almost impossible not to be aware of the ball market movements. On the eve of negotiations, that's all people know how to talk about.

"Yeah, I know, I liked it when I renewed, but I don't know."

"I don't know, what?"

"Do you think they hate me? You know, for leaving."

"Are you kidding? Anybody else would have done the same thing, Jack, I have a lot of respect for Villa, but obviously City is on a higher level." I say with a strange feeling. We are having a decent conversation that I never thought we would have, and when I look into his eyes, I see how reflective he is. "I think there is a mutual gratitude between you and the club. Not to mention, don't you remember how much City paid Villa for you? Believe me, the last thing they should feel is hate, both the management and the fans."

"Thanks, Joey, I guess I needed an unbiased opinion."

"You're welcome. Change is never easy, but it always brings some benefits."

I return the smile, I think this is the closest I have ever come to being nice to Jack and the closest he has ever come to talking to me without flirting with me or hitting on me.
We keep walking, we are almost at the end of the tunnel when I remember my duties as a guide.

"Anyway, as a guide I am obliged to provide you with a brief explanation of the privileges of what Tunnel Club membership includes and offer you the packages, but I guess you are not interested in that, are you?" I stop because I need to fix my ponytail, which is getting loose, and Jack stands facing me as I lift my arms to tie the elastic tightly. I feel his eyes moving down my body and stopping somewhere around my waist.

I can't celebrate for long, the libidinous Jack is back. He has such a sexual energy, I can't understand it. It's much more than the way he blinks his eyes, bites his lips or tosses his hair back.

"Do you know what I'm really interested in? " Jack steps forward and slides his finger on the part of my waist that showed when I lifted my arms. "Where this tattoo ends."

I have several tattoos, all over my body, but none on my arms or legs. Basically, they are only seen when I wear a little less clothing. This particular one starts at my waist and goes down my thigh, it is one of my favorites, but not everybody has the privilege to see it.

"Maybe one day you will find out." I say, pulling away, because his icy finger sliding across my warm skin gives me some kind of thermal shock. I finish tidying my hair and start walking again, we are at the entrance to the field and the sunset light appears to welcome us.

"Jojocat are you flirting with me?" He asks, and I feel his footsteps behind me.

"No. What makes you think I am flirting?"

"You said "maybe" instead of 'no'." I bite my tongue because he has a point. Damn mouth! "That makes me want to find out how many more tattoos you have."

I press my lips together thinking how much fun Jack would have discovering my tattoos, the image itself almost makes me dizzy, I could tell him that, tease him to the limit, but teasing is never good if you don't intend to do something.

I'm a good teaser, but I'm not playing that game with Jack.

"Jack, what you have to understand is that not every people want to sleep with you."

"I know that, but you are not one of those people."

"Your immodesty is so funny."

"Being immodest is not a crime, Joey. You can't tell me that you've never thought you're so superior to some asshole you've dated?" I ponder, he's right. In fact, I think I'm much better than all the assholes I've ever dated. Even the ones I haven't dated. "And also better than me. Immodesty."

From one moment to the next, I feel Jack circling me.

"If you've kept quiet, it's because you agree."

I almost laugh, I'm thinking of a way to agree with him without looking like I have superiority syndrome.

"Okay, I agree, you win, happy?"

"I'll be glad when you finally give me a chance." He says behind me, I can feel his breath on the back of my neck, but he's not touching me.

"Then you won't be happy!"

"Joey Brown: the enemy of happiness." Jack murmurs, dramatically.

"Just stop trying, Jack Grealish." I turn away and start walking toward the field for our next stop.

I really thought this was going to be more boring, but I'm enjoying myself. If you ignore Jack's arrogant, smug, pushy side, he's actually kind of fun. His outbursts are quite funny.

"Never, Jojocat."

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