Still Yours

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Olivia's heels clicked against the pavement as she made her way through the lobby of the swanky L.A. hotel to the courtyard in the back.

She worked through her deep breathing exercises to prepare herself, knowing he would be here. And knowing they wouldn't be able to play the avoidance game they usually played ever since they broke up almost three years ago.

Olivia flashed back in her mind to when she learned about her twin's engagement about two months ago.


"Finally," Olivia squealed and clapped her hands. "This better be the last time too!" Her brother and his new fiancée both rolled their eyes on the other end of the FaceTime. "Here you go already. And Liv, I have something important to ask you... will you be my Maid of Honor?" Simone smiled hopefully.

Olivia felt her eyes getting watery. "You know I will," she grinned happily. "And uh, hey Liv... I asked Spencer to be my best man."

Olivia's smile dropped a bit but held. "It'll be fine, it's about whatever makes you happy."


As she strode into the courtyard for her brother's engagement party, she glanced around for familiar faces and saw too many. Her long-sleeved black cocktail dress had a cut out in the front with wide sequined straps that stretched across her chest and wrapped up to her collarbone, leaving her top half otherwise bare. In black pumps with a plum bag and plum lipstick, her curls falling down her back, she immediately caught the party's attention.

Within seconds though, her twin was barreling towards her to lift her off her feet and spin her around. She laughed in surprise and hugged him back tightly. "I missed you!" She was always surprised at how hard the distance from her womb mate was ever since she had moved to New York three years ago. She felt like a crybaby every time they saw each other. "I missed you way more," she said into his shoulder. "Are you seriously crying?! We're way too old for this, Liv. We've lived on opposite coasts for three years now!"

"Shut up, let me have this! You already know our routine, Jordan."

Olivia pulled away and returned Jordan's smile. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, his fiancée was shoving him aside to throw herself at Olivia. "Liv, you're here! So glad you're home," Simone squealed.

She hugged her sister tightly, "are you kidding me, of course I'm home! My favorite people are celebrating their third wedding!"

They weren't amused as Olivia cackled, but Olivia was swept aside again before they could answer, first by her parents and then by GW and her grandmother.

During the revolving door of hellos over the next 15 minutes, she caught a quick glimpse of him from the corner of her eye. He was moving towards her.

Olivia quickly excused herself from her conversation with JJ, making for a quiet garden that was separated from the courtyard where the engagement party was in full swing.

She took a deep breath, the wind blowing her curls behind her shoulder.

"Hey, Liv."

Another breath. She turned.

"Hey, Spencer."

He watched her intently for a few moments.

And she couldn't help but do the same. Damn her if he didn't look incredible, filling out his suit perfectly with the top few buttons of his shirt open and no tie. To break the intense silence and his gaze, she stuttered out, "Um- how have you been?"

Spencer looked down for a moment and then gave her a close-mouthed smile. "I can't complain. And you?"

"I'm good, same here..." Olivia trailed off as she watched his eyes slowly look over her with the same look that use to make her lose her breath.

Okay, maybe not used to— still did make her lose her breath.

"It's good to see you. You look...." He paused and shook his head like he was snapping himself out of it, "...beautiful."

Olivia looked down, "oh, uh thanks."

They were silent for a moment. Spencer broke it, "Liv... listen—"

He was cut off (thankfully, in Olivia's opinion) by Jordan's voice clearly trying to get the crowd's attention.

She glanced at Spencer quickly before heading back to the party as Jordan started his speech. She went to stand a little behind Simone, who was close to Jordan. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Spencer move to the other side of the courtyard.

"Thank you all for coming to celebrate with us. I am so excited to finally marry my best friend— for the last time, I swear."

The crowd laughed. "Cheers to forever with the love of my life," Jordan grinned at a blushing Simone. As everyone raised their glasses, Olivia smiled wistfully at the couple.

Simone joined her and said quietly, "Girl, you might be in danger."

"Huh?" Olivia frowned. "Spencer hasn't taken his eyes off you during the entire speech," Simone continued, side eyeing Olivia and sipping her champagne glass like it was a cup of piping hot tea.

Olivia looked away and rolled her eyes not daring to look in his direction, "Don't start." "Okay okay, I'll leave it alone," Simone held her hands up. "But for the record... it looks like that man is still very much all yours, even all these years later." She grinned conspiratorially before moving on to mingle.

Olivia sighed and stood by herself for a moment letting her head fall back and staring at the night sky.


Olivia's outfit inspo: Halle Bailey on 9/16/21 🤍

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