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One year later

"Touchdown Giants!" The announcer could barely be heard over the noise of the crowd as Olivia whistled and cheered from the family section on the Giants side of the stands.

She turned to watch the cameras follow Spencer out of the end zone on the Jumbotron with a huge smile. "Your boy's pretty good," Eddie spoke next to her. She'd learned he was a Giants fan and invited him to go to a game with her. When she told Spencer, he somehow figured out how to also get him a tour of the stadium. Even though she had moved out of her building months ago and they kept in touch, only this gift had been enough to get him to call her just Olivia.

"Yeah, he's not too bad," she laughed while her eyes shifted to find Spencer on the field instead of the screen. She watched him move through a sea of pats on the back and high fives, his helmet off and his eyes turning to scan the crowd.

Olivia knew he was likely looking for her because she had seen him try at other games. But just as she told herself there was no way he would spot her, his eyes locked with hers. 

She immediately grinned as he did the same thing he had been doing since college whenever he could find her in the crowd — winked at her and patted his hand over his chest twice.

Olivia bit her lip and nodded, her hands clasped under her chin. She glanced towards Eddie and did a double take when she noticed him staring at her with one raised eyebrow. "What?"

"You youngins are gone."

"Where are you learning these words," she cackled and looped her arm through his.

"I have grandchildren, thank you very much, young lady."

Olivia just shook her head.


That night, Olivia and Spencer walked into their condo after dinner. She hadn't been thrilled about moving across the river to New Jersey but had been willing to compromise for a place with a view.

She got her beautiful view of the Manhattan skyline and even got a balcony to go with it. They'd moved a couple of months ago and were slowly filling the condo space.

Olivia flopped onto the couch but her plan to relax was interrupted. "Don't get comfortable. I got you something for the balcony I want to show you."

She lifted her head from the back of the couch. "Oooo can I guess?"

He gave her an unamused look. She grinned. "Tough crowd," she mumbled loud enough for him to hear. He rolled his eyes and told her to wait there and then disappeared. He returned less than a minute later with a silk blindfold. "You have a thing for these, don't you," she teased. "Just put it on please," he laughed and helped her put it on before looping her hand around his arm to lead her outside.

"Not that I'm not appreciative, but you're the one who won a game today and you're giving me a gift? This feels a little backwards." Spencer kissed the side of her head and said, "it's sort of a gift for both of us."

She felt the cool fall air when they stepped onto the balcony. Spencer led her to a spot she knew was towards the corner of the balcony and told her to wait there.

"I know how you like to listen to music while you sit out here, so I had speakers put in that you can connect to your phone."

Olivia smiled softly as she heard Yebba's Heartbreak begin to play softly all around her. "Babe, that's... really sweet. I love it, thank you." She suddenly frowned. "But um, why did I need a blindfold to hear music?"

She heard Spencer approach and stand in front of her, then felt him reach around to untie her blindfold.

Olivia immediately gasped as it fell away.

The balcony was covered in hundreds of roses and dozens of candles.

"Oh, Spencer."

She turned to him with wide eyes while he just smiled and took both of her hands, lifting them to kiss the back of each before he spoke.

"I've thought about this so many times, you know. Since we first started dating in high school. I still thought about it even when we weren't together."

Olivia felt like her heart was in her stomach as he squeezed her hands and she realized what he was doing.

"Whenever I think about the future, where I wanna be, what makes me happy, you're always in that picture. I can't see it without you and I don't want to."

Olivia already had tears falling down her face as Spencer dropped to one knee and reach into his pocket.


"Liv," he laughed, just as emotional as her. "You aren't gone let me finish?"

"Sorry," she laughed, still crying.

He opened the box but Olivia didn't, couldn't, look.

"Olivia Baker, will you marry—"

"Yes," she couldn't even wait for him to stand and just dropped with him to grab his face. She caught his exasperated smile before she kissed him, looping her arms around his neck.

"You love to mess with my carefully laid plans," he mumbled when they separated.

She closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against his. "Mmm, and now you'll be stuck with it forever."

He just smiled. "Nowhere else I'd rather be."

And all that you are, I do
My single line of stars in noon
Reflection of the very moon, I do
I do, I do, I do
Show my love for you


A/N: Okay, the real end. 😭🤎

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