Sure Thing

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"Do you see what I see," Olivia whisper-yelled to Spencer in the seat next to her.

On the dance floor, Keisha and Zach were cuddled close together. Olivia watched with her eyebrows raised and mouth parted.

Spencer glanced at her, his arm slung across the back of her chair. "Close your mouth," he laughed. "I'm sorry! But clearly we missed something."

"Of course you did," Simone walked behind their chairs. "You were too wrapped up in each other," she smiled proudly.

Olivia rolled her eyes, "I will never know peace. But seriously, when did that happen?"

Simone shrugged. "She said they clicked in Vegas." Simone was interrupted by a guest, as she had been pretty much every five minutes.

Olivia raised her eyebrows and thought back to Vegas, suddenly remembering how close those two were huddled together in the car in front of her and Spencer on their last night. She would never say it out loud but Simone was right— she had been so wrapped up in Spencer's voice and hand on her thigh that she didn't think much of those two then.

With wide eyes, she glanced at Sierra and Asher sitting next to each other further away. She turned to Spencer, eyebrows still raised and a smirk on her face. He gave her a look and shook his head. "You play too much."

Her grin widened as she stood up and tugged Spencer up behind her. "Let's go to the photo booth." She felt him thread his fingers with hers as she pulled him behind her to the booth, successfully walking fast enough across the back of the room so that they made it to the booth without being stopped by anyone.

Spencer quickly tugged her into his lap even though there was plenty of room for her to sit on the bench next to him. Olivia laughed in surprise.

"Did I tell you how stunning you look today?"

She smiled, "You might have mentioned but the day's been a blur." He kissed her shoulder while she pressed the button to start the photos.

They smiled for the first picture and mean-mugged for the second. Spencer then turned towards her and slowly traced his nose across her cheek and pressed a soft kiss where her jaw met her neck. Olivia smiled happily with her eyes closed and heard the click of the flash.

Olivia turned to him, her half-lidded eyes meeting his. She grabbed his chin and leaned forward, parting her lips and kissing him slowly. She forgot about the camera until she heard the last click of the flash.

As she pulled away from him, she smiled when she noticed his still closed eyes and parted lips. When his eyes opened, her smile widened. "Hi."

"Hi," he returned in that voice reserved for her.

"We should probably get out of here."

He pouted childishly in response and tugged her tighter into his lap. She laughed and pulled away. "Come on." Her mom interrupted them on their walk back to the table. "Hi you two, Spencer, was hoping I could steal my honorary child for a dance," she held her hand out to Spencer with a smile.

He smiled just as widely. "Of course." He kissed Olivia's cheek and then held his arm out to Laura.

Olivia smiled as she watched the two of them for a moment, then headed to find herself some cake.

Fifteen minutes later, Spencer walked onto a balcony just off the reception space, the third spot he was checking for Olivia. He spotted her almost immediately, her back to him as she looked at the L.A. skyline.

"Here you are."

Spencer immediately smiled at the way her face lit up when she saw him, as though they had been apart days and not just minutes. "Hey, you having fun?"

He leaned his side against the balcony and faced her. "Less fun without you. What you doing out here by yourself?"

She smiled at him. "I snuck away to enjoy my slice of cake in peace and then decided to enjoy the skyline."

"Hmm," his eyes trailed her face. "You miss it?"

Olivia shrugged, "sometimes. But I'm glad I've gotten to see more of the world than L.A." Turning to lean her side against the balcony and face him, she asked, "what about you? Do you miss it?"

Spencer looked at the skyline. "Sometimes." He turned back to her, his voice lowering. "But I'm glad I get to see more of the world with you."

Her eyes widened at him before she looked down and away from his heated gaze. He watched a smile appear on her face although she tried to hide it.

"What are you thinking about," he asked in the low voice she loved.

Olivia shook her head even as her smile widened. She looked back up at him, "How I'm not going back to the East Coast by myself when this weekend ends." She stepped closer to him and ran her hands across his shoulders to his neck. "How happy I am."

He lost himself in her wide brown eyes for a moment until he heard the beginning chords of Sure Thing by Miguel float out from the reception.

He smiled and looped his arms around her waist and tugged her towards a more private part of the balcony where they could still hear the song. He began to sway them to the song mixed with the hum from the crowd at the reception.

He quickly dipped her, admiring the way she threw her head back and laughed before he pulled her up.

Even when the sky comes falling
Even when the sun don't shine
I got faith in you and I
Just put your pretty little hand in mine

She leaned her forehead against his. "I love you." His eyes fell closed, his arms tightening around her, wanting to savor this moment with his favorite person. "And I love you, baby. Always."

Even when we're down to the wire, babe
Even when it's do or die
We can do it baby, simple and plain
Cause this love is a sure thing

— End —

A/N: Thank you for reading, liking and commenting!

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