If Only

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Olivia's soft moans echoed through her New York apartment along with the sounds of the sleepy street below.

Her curtains gently swayed from the midnight Spring breeze, the sound of an occasional siren below. The apartment was otherwise silent.

On Olivia's bed, Spencer had her legs lifted with her knees pressed towards the bed and his tongue dancing between her thighs. As Olivia's legs began to shake and her eyes started to roll, she moved to push his head away and claw his hands from her thighs but he didn't budge. "Spence, please," she panted, not sure if she wanted him to stop or never stop. One of her hands stayed clenched around his on her thigh while her other tugged at her sheets.

She lifted her head from the ceiling to look down at him and found his intent gaze already on her as his tongue slid deeper into her.

The combination was enough to send Olivia flying over the edge with a gasp. He didn't pull his mouth from her shaking frame until she caught her breath, and then trailed wet kisses up her body to her mouth. Spencer slipped his tongue inside her mouth, letting her taste herself on him as he slid inside her wetness.

Olivia hooked her legs around Spencer's waist and felt his wide hands slide up her body from her waist. He found her hands and tangled their fingers together above her head.

They said nothing as they found the perfect rhythm while rocking into each other. Olivia arched her back to press their bodies closely together with barely an inch of space between them. He moved to help her, taking both of her hands in one of his and wrapping his free hand around her waist. He lifted her hips to him and held her against him as he sped up his strokes.  

Spencer dropped his forehead against Olivia's and watched her half-lidded eyes. "I love you," he said quietly, careful not to disturb their quiet, intimate bubble in the late hour. The sound of his voice made her feel desperate.

"Forever. Promise me."

"Always, baby," Spencer said while rocking his hips deeper into Olivia. "Forever. I promise."

Olivia's eyes fluttered shut at his words as she peaked around him, with him following behind.

"I love you too," Olivia whispered as he pressed her into his side as they rested.

Olivia jolted awake. She sat up with a groan, annoyed at the way her subconscious seemed to want to torture her for her recent choices.

It had been three weeks since Vegas. She had mostly moped around and spent too much time thinking about her career. This was her third dream about Spencer since returning to New York. They had all been memories— this one was from his last time visiting her in New York before their break up. The last good weekend they had.

They'd had the perfect day, just the two of them. After sleeping in and then shopping all day, she had taken him to the Roosevelt Island Tramway to watch the sunset. After that, they'd had dinner in a cozy Italian restaurant where Spencer couldn't keep his hands or eyes off her. She'd been so happy.

Olivia rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand in frustration and then checked her phone.

Nothing but work emails. She and Spencer hadn't spoken since Vegas. Yet she still couldn't help but jump every time her phone buzzed, hoping to see his name. And then she felt like a terrible person because she knew it was ridiculous to expect him to reach out.

As she moved through her day, she found herself dreading Jordan and Simone's wedding next weekend. Of course it was the one time she really couldn't fake sick — Jordan would never forgive her, she knew.

A problem for tomorrow, she decided after work. It was a Friday and Olivia told herself she needed to give herself one night to not think about it.

"Oooo bitch you look GOOD!" Natalie, Olivia's friend shouted as she approached her and another friend, Rosalia, on the crowded sidewalk outside the Apollo Theater.

"Hi, babes! You both look even better!" Olivia smiled as she hugged them both. It was Fashion Week and Natalie had connects, so they went to a show every year. The three had met in dance classes Olivia had occasionally been taking in her free time and instantly connected. They were her best friends in the city.

Dressing up and meeting them already made Olivia feel better. She finally had an excuse to wear the shimmering Amina Muaddi heels she had splurged on for her birthday that year along with a short and tight red dress that make her cleavage look great, with her favorite red lip.

After the show, they headed to an after party Natalie had somehow gotten them into.

Sitting together, they chatted and giggled as they people watched.

"So, I saw your Insta photos. Looks like you had some good pre-wedding fun in Vegas," Rosalia said.

"Uh... yeah," Olivia smiled and looked down at her plate of hors d'oeuvres. When the table remained silent, she looked up to find Natalie and Rosalia giving her twin unimpressed looks with a raised eyebrow each. "What are you hiding?" Natalie squinted.

Olivia clutched her chest in fake outrage. "Nothing!" Silence. "Okay, fine! Things got a bit, um, intense with Spencer," she sighed and confessed.

"Oooo!" Natalie's braids shook as she danced in her seat. "What does 'intense' mean? You backslid?"

"No! Well, maybe a little. Does kissing count as backsliding?" Olivia grimaced.

"Absolutely, girl. Spill," Rosalia demanded.

"It was just..." Olivia shook her head, "this pull? Same one it's always been I guess. And he just kept doing all the things that always drove me crazy. The constant checking in and noticing things no one else does and making me laugh and looking and touching." Once she started talking, she felt like she couldn't stop. Maybe it was because these two didn't know Spencer like her other friends.

Rosalia smiled softly. "Sounds like he still loves you." Natalie nodded. "This sounds like a rom com. You've got a unicorn, baby girl. So why are you sad right now instead of sporting a honeymoon sex glow?"

Olivia smiled quickly and looked down. "Because he's still in Arizona and I'm still here."

Natalie leaned over the table and said, "And what are you planning to do about that?"

Olivia quietly thought for a moment. Maybe there was something small she could start with.

Her buzzing phone broke her out of her thoughts. She turned it over from the table and her heart immediately started thumping. Spencer.

She stared at her phone for a moment before silencing it. They needed to seriously talk but they couldn't do it while she was in this party. She'd have to call him back at home.

An hour later, Olivia kept her eyes on her shoes as she turned onto her apartment's block and listened to her heels click against the pavement while carrying a small pizza box in her hands. As she reached the front of her building, she heard a car door shut a bit in front of her.


Her head snapped up and her eyes widened at the sight.


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