Set Up

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The next morning, Jordan and Simone had planned a catered brunch at the Baker house for the wedding party. Even though Simone and Jordan had their own apartment downtown, everyone had stayed at the Baker house last night.

Olivia stumbled downstairs around 7:30 that morning planning for a cup of coffee before a run. Just as she hit the bottom of the steps in an oversized t shirt she had left in her old room that she was sure was Spencer's, there was a knock on the door.

And speak of the devil, Spencer stood on the other side when she opened it. He was holding a tray of coffees. "Uh hey," Olivia stammered, suddenly very aware of her clothing choice, her legs and feet bare. She quickly hid behind the door and opened it for him to come in.

It didn't matter. His eyes followed her anyway. "Morning." Even after all this time, he still spoke to her in that voice that was slightly lower and softer than his voice with anyone else. She avoided his eyes, "what are you doing here so early?" "Oh, uh—" he was interrupted by Jordan. "I asked him to, come, actually," he said as he bounded down the steps.

Olivia watched as the did their usual handshake and Spencer handed Jordan one of the cups from his tray. "Great, you're up! Though I was kinda looking forward to shaking you awake," Jordan ruffled her curls as he walked past her with Olivia jerking away indignantly. "Waking me up for what?"

Jordan sat at the couch and stared at them until they got the hint and joined. Once Olivia sat down, she looked up to see Spencer holding out a cup to her. She looked at it then him before taking it and mumbling a "thanks" and turning to Jordan.

"I wanted to talk to you both about our bachelor and bachelorette parties." Jordan sounded suddenly serious like he was talking about a business deal. Olivia rolled her eyes and huffed at the reemergence of groomzilla. She took a sip of her drink, shocked to find it was her favorite order. "As best man and woman, that is your responsibility and Simone and I want a joint party and/or trip."

There was silence for a moment. Olivia jumped in, "Aaaaand you couldn't tell us that in a text thread? Or even like..." Olivia looked heavenward and then back at Jordan,  " brunch in a couple hours?"

Jordan smirked and cocked his head at her. "I could, but what fun would that be. Good talk!" He got up and headed up the stairs like they had finished a long conversation. Olivia burned a hole into his back as he walked up the stairs and it dawned on her exactly what he was doing.

She and Spencer sat alone in silence. "That boy's never been subtle, has he?" "Subtle as an elephant," Olivia sighed. She heard him laugh and turn to find his eyes crinkling as he looked at her and smiled. They stared for a moment and she knew she had to make her escape. "Well um, I should head for my run if I want to have enough time. I'll see you in a bit." She walked as quickly as she could to and up the steps, jogging as soon as she was out of sight. She was going to hurt Jordan.

A few hours later, Spencer's eyes immediately caught Olivia's figure when she came down the steps to where brunch had started on the Baker patio.

He knew he hadn't been at all subtle with his staring this weekend but honestly? Maybe he didn't care to be. Anyone important to him knew how he still felt about Liv.

The break up hadn't been about anyone's feelings changing, which almost made it worse. He had been drafted by the Arizona Cardinals as they finished college. Then she had gotten an incredible opportunity to be an investigative journalist for the New York Times in NYC. He wouldn't let her pass it up to follow him, knowing that she wouldn't get an opportunity like that in Arizona.

For months they made the distance work but it started to wear on them both— their crazy busy schedules, the time difference, losing physical touch which was both of their love language.

Olivia had been the one to call it off almost three years ago, saying that she didn't ever want to end up hating him. That maybe by ending it then, they could figure it out one day.

But of course they hadn't, mostly just avoiding each other any time they were in each other's vicinity. She was even doing it now.

"Okay, everyone! Please find your seat at the table so we can get some food," Simone said across the patio. As people headed to the long table set up with name cards for everyone, Spencer watched Olivia walk around the table in her peach jumpsuit while avoiding him and looking for her name. He waited patiently until she finally noticed that her chair was next to his, shooting Simone an evil look.

Spencer pulled out her chair and tucked his bottom lip into his mouth, never breaking eye contact with her. She strode towards the chair as if he had dared her and she was determined not to lose. He smiled once she was in front of him and couldn't see his face.

As he tucked her chair in, he let one of his thumbs stroke over the back of her shoulder before sitting next to her. He noticed her sitting straight up and staring straight ahead, refusing to glance at him. Spencer smirked.

Damn, he missed her. So maybe he was going to enjoy this just a little. Sue him.

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