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The first thing that penetrated Olivia's sleep was a crunching sound coming from somewhere near her. She groaned and burrowed further into her pillow, which then... moved?

Olivia's eyes snapped open and caught the sight of Spencer's chest in her eyeline. She felt one strong arm wrapped tightly around her back and Spencer's hand splayed on her waist. His face was turned towards hers, his soft breaths hitting her forehead. She was wrapped around his warm body with an arm and leg tangled with his, wedged between him and the back of the couch.

She looked up to find her brother watching them with a bowl of cereal in hand, crunching as he ate.

She was suddenly flying to sit up and elbowed Spencer in his side in her haste.

"Ow," his deep, sleepy voice groaned.

"Sleep well?" Jordan asked as he continued to eat and watch them.

"Don't stand over people and eat, it's weird," she said while she rubbed at her eyes, her voice raspy. She got up to head upstairs and glanced at Spencer stretched out on the couch one more time before she left.

Spencer sighed and sat up. He rubbed his hand down his face and took his time turning to face Jordan.

Jordan turned from watching his sister flee to look at Spencer, his eyebrows raised.

"Don't, J."

Jordan watched Spencer and took another bite before responding. "I don't feel like you're the one I need to meddle with. Don't worry, the rest of the team will keep working on Olivia though."

Spencer frowned, "The rest of the— what?"

"Operation Spelivia. Simone, Keisha and I are all agents. Asher was also willing but we all agreed that you and Liv probably wouldn't take well to that and it would just be counterproductive," Jordan grimaced.

"But you thought we'd be fine with the rest, though," Spencer asked dryly.

Jordan sat his bowl on the coffee table and went to sit next to Spencer.

"Literally anyone with eyes knows you still love her, which I'm sure you're aware of. I'd honestly be willing to bet money that Ray Charles could figure it out too." He paused to give Spencer a chance to respond but his brother said nothing and just leaned his elbows on his knees, watching his clasped hands in front of him.

"Feelings changing was never the problem in the first place, J."

Jordan nodded, "I know that's true for you and for her but I also know my sister and how she gets in her head. You two have been apart long enough now for her to second guess about your feelings. So, the operation agents are just... pointing out the obvious to her while you two figure it out. I saw the ESPN story, by the way."

Spencer turned to look at Jordan but could only shake his head.

Jordan grinned. "Making me best man at your wedding will be sufficient payment for my services," he patted Spencer's shoulder twice before walking away.


"That massage was life changing," Olivia sighed as the four women sat for pedicures.

"Ugh, same," Keisha joined.

"Same. The only thing that would've made it better is if they were my man's hands," added Simone.

"Gross," Olivia said immediately.

"Oh please. Don't act like you didn't used to love Spencer's massages."

Olivia just rolled her eyes. "Oh, you and Spencer used to date?" Sierra asked hesitantly. She sighed, "Yes. For five years."

She saw Sierra's slight grimace and moved to quickly change the subject.

"Sooo my maid of honor dress came in last week. I love the pink. Reminds me of when you two eloped here."

Simone smiled. "Can you believe that was already like 8 years ago now? The way so much has changed.... And also the way so much hasn't changed."

She turned and smiled at Olivia. "Here we are in that same city all these years later, Jordan and I still infatuated with each other and you and Spencer back to pretending you don't have feelings for each other."

Olivia couldn't help but throw her head back against her chair and laugh. They were persistent, she'd give them that.

Simone giggled with her for a moment but then turned serious. "But seriously, I will never forget how much happier he looked that morning when you showed up, compared to how he looked the night before. It wasn't that anything was wrong with him before you came but he just... lit up when you got there. He still does that."

Olivia looked down and tried to hold her smile.

"Anyway, I'm glad to see you two at least speaking this time," Simone said with a gentle smile, trying to steer them back to safer ground. "And I got this amazing trip out of it!"

Olivia smiled at her sister.

"Amen!" Keisha added. "After all this pampering, I'll be ready to catch a man this evening."


A few hours later, the group got ready for their final dinner at an intimate, fancy Italian restaurant. Olivia moved down the hallway in a burnt orange silk slip dress that left her back bare. She had pinned one side of her braids back with a gold clip and wore gold accessories and strappy sandals.

She passed by Spencer's open door and saw him struggling with his cuff links. She paused and inhaled— she hadn't seen him since leaving him on the couch that morning. "Need a hand?" She exhaled. Spencer turned and smiled at her, "I was hoping the pro would come to my rescue." He held out his wrists and she couldn't help but smile as she walked forward.

He was donning a tailored, dark brown silk suit that complimented her outfit perfectly.

She inhaled when their hands touched as he passed his gold cufflinks to her and then held out his wrists. Olivia kept her eyes firmly on his wrists and felt his intense stare on her.

"Did you ladies enjoy your spa day?"

She smiled, "we did. How were the ATVs?"

"A mess," he laughed and she joined finally looking at him.

They stared for a moment before she turned back to his wrists. As she finished hooking the second cufflink, Spencer twisted his wrists in her grip to shift and hold her hands. "Hey, I was about to check in with you. We good?"

Olivia nodded with her eyes on their hands before she looked up with a smile. "We're good, I promise." She paused for a moment and then added nervously, "you still make a pretty good pillow."

The way his eyes fluttered in response made her lose her breath.

And when she thought it couldn't get worse, he ran one hand up her arm to brush her braids behind her shoulder. "Good. Anytime," he said lowly.

Olivia bit her lip and looked down, breaking his stare. Before either could say anything, Simone shouted up the stairs, "Uber for dinner is here!"

She looked at the door and back to Spencer. He turned his body and held out his arm with his eyes fixed on her, "After you."

Olivia smiled at him and strutted forward. The entire way down the steps, Olivia felt his eyes on her back.

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