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idk, just some wholesome wof headcannons.

- Clay owns a herd of cows to breed so he can have "infinite food". He names his favourites, and likes to talk to them whenever nobody else is around.

- Sunny is very musical, although she never shows it. She and Thorn have a band with a few of the Outclaws, including Six-Claws and Qibli. Qibli plays the drums, Six-Claws plays guitar, Sunny switches instruments every time, and all three insisted Thorn sing. They never play in public, because Thorn hates singing in front of crowds, however, she once sang for Stonemover.

- Queen Meetings are called every few months for all the queens to get together and do something fun. They usually play board games. Moorhen is the reigning Scrabble champion, and either Glory or Thorn always flip the table during Monopoly. There is a collection of old board games in the corner of the meeting room that have been venom-melted, burnt, and frozen. Ruby gets Cliff to make up weird contests to use during Monopoly to get houses - instead of holding auctions. Snowfall objected to the board games at first, but agreed to play to keep up Glacier's high score.

- Clearsight lived on Pantala for thousands of years, and tried to get to know everyone.

- Whiteout once tried to teach Darkstalker to paint. It did not end well.

- Diamond would walk through the Diamond Trial caves to talk with Foeslayer whenever she got lonely. The talks mainly consisted of Diamond reminding herself that Foeslayer was going to pay for stealing the IceWing's magic. There are old, broken items in the corner of the cave from when Diamond used to throw things at Foeslayer.

- After Moon talked to Mightyclaws in the art cave, Mightyclaws developed a crush for her, but constantly denied it, reminding himself that Moon cheated the volcano and wasn't a real NightWing.

- Fathom and Indigo lived on the beach that Turtle and Anemone fought on in Book 9. 

- Before Indigo died, she set Blob free in the ocean, in the hopes that he would find another friend.

 - Listener admitted to Whiteout that she had a crush on Thoughtful, who was completely oblivious. Thoughtful declared he would only ever love Whiteout, and Whiteout promised Listener she would find someone. Listener never called Whiteout "Weird-out" again after that.

- The DoD didn't want to send their dragonets to JMA, because it would be awkward teaching them. Their dragonets went to JMA anyway.

- Tsunami was constantly jealous of Glory for getting to rule two kingdoms, but she never became queen once Coral died. 

- Nautilus got close to disowning Squid on many occasions.

- Secretkeeper and Morrowseer were together before Morrowseer created the prophecy. They truly loved each other, but Morrowseer focused more on the tribe than Secretkeeper, which was why he never got to learn he had a daughter.

- While most of the DoD were on the NightWing island, Sunny came across Moon hiding in the rainforest. Neither of them spoke of it afterward, but Sunny is Moon's favourite teacher, and Moon is Sunny's favourite student - despite saying she couldn't pick favourites.

- Turtle and Fathom once met (somehow), and bonded over how energetic their girlfriends were. In a similar situation, Kinkajou and Indigo also met, and compared their pets to each others. Blob and Kinkajou's sloth are best friends.

- Moon used to always want to know who her father was, but after listening to the DoD, Thorn, and various other dragons complain about how horrible he was, she decided it was best not to know.

- Arctic secretly approved of Darkstalker's relationship with Clearsight. It was the one thing he and Foeslayer could agree on.

- There have been animus dragons after Arctic, because animus blood is genetic, although none of them did anything with their powers for fear of what their queens would make them do.

- The Talons of Peace remained together after they were pardoned because none of them really felt at home in their kingdoms anymore. Squid was the most devastated about this - he wanted to see all the treasure in the Seawing Palaces. 

- Chameleon was secretly following Kestrel after she fled, and he joined the Talons after she did to make sure she didn't die. He made Cirrus for this purpose.

- Vulture genuinely thought Qibli could be a successful leader of the Talons of Power if he got put though enough grueling training. Vulture also thought Sirocco was a failure and that Rattlesnake was too bossy to lead. Vulture and Cobra had long talks about her three dragonets.

- After Ostrich graduated from JMA, Sirocco begged her to put a ruby in his forehead, just like he wanted in Book 10. Ostrich later explained that she couldn't actually do that, but she and Sirocco remained friends.

- Deathbringer taught the DoD's dragonets basic combat skills. Glory stopped him before he could go any further.

- Sunny writes fanfictions about her favourite ships. Deathbringer has the one she wrote about Glorybringer, despite Glory's best efforts to get rid of it. Tsunami argues that she isn't as bossy as the Ripnami fanfiction says she is, although Riptide, the DoD, and everyone else Tsunami has ever met disagree. Starflight gets Fatespeaker to read the Starspeaker fanfiction to him whenever he's sad (it replaced 'Tales of the Nightwings' as his comfort scroll), and he's happy Sunny put aside her jealously of Fatespeaker to write it. Sunny made the Cleril fanfiction fireproof, and Peril is delighted by just touching it and watching it not burn. Sunny has a pile of fanfictions about her students and JMA, but she never finished them because the other teachers convinced her it would be creepy to write about students.

- The DoD visit their childhood cave every once in a while to act out how the SandWing War of Succession began. Starflight is still forced to play Blaze.

- Sunny gave Kestrel and Dune proper burials. Peril helped her with Kestrel, and Thorn and Six-Claws with Dune. None of the other DoD wanted to face their guardians.

- Cliff has a fear of Tourmaline, and often has nightmares where Ruby turned into her again.

- Once Auklet started school, she, Tsunami, and Anemone teamed up to get Coral to stop using the harnesses.

- Coral took the time to get to know all of her sons. Auklet - who was harnessed to Coral during that time - remembered them all, but Coral still only knew Turtle. It took many years for her to learn them all.

- Turtle's brothers were afraid of him for a while after they found out he was an animus, but they soon realised that Turtle was nothing like Albatross.

- Whenever Auklet outside the Sea Kingdom, she watches the skies for hours at a time to find the bird she was named after.

- Qibli visits Cobra in Thorn's dungeons sometimes.

i might make another headcannon chapter if i think of more

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