My OCs as Heirs to the Thrones

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Slap your seatbelts on because this gets VERY CONFUSING

Starting with the SandWing throne:

Papaya is related to Jambu, and she'd married to Milkyway, and Milkyway is what starts it all up.

Because of Milkyway's connections, if Starfruit were female, he could have a shot at the SandWing throne. Milkyway's brother is Orpheus, who's married to Horizon, who's father is Qibli, and we all know how close Qibli is to Thorn. If none of Sunny's dragonets or grandchildren take the throne... 


She has two dragonets, but only one is female, I'm sure you know Capricorn, and Capricorn has two female dragonets with Clay's son Copper. But the throne doesn't come around to the RainWings unless Copper's sister Bronze, or any of her dragonets don't want the throne.

And this is where it gets a little confusing, because Clay's family is so darn big.

And the heirs to the SandWing throne (ONLY FROM CLAY'S SIDE OF THE FAMILY) are:

Bronze (Clay's daughter) 

Swan (Bronze's daughter) 

Terracotta (Copper's daughter)

Libra (Copper's daughter)

Pheasant (Clay's sister) Pheasant is where it gets REALLY confusing

Sora (Clay's sister)

Acacia (Clay's brother's wife) 

Cattail (Clay's mother)

And then theres also Asha's side of the family:

Cow (Clay's cousin, Asha's daughter) 

Duck (Clay's cousin, Asha's daughter) 

Amber (Duck's daughter)

Luto (Duck's daughter) 

Ecru (Duck's daughter)

Sedge (Cow's daughter)

And now about Pheasant. (I've gotta do this without giving away too many spoilers...)

Prince Grove of the MudWings and Pheasant are technically together, and if it works out, all the dragons listed above, also instantly become heirs for the MudWing throne as well as the SandWing one.

And then, all those dragons in the list above will inevitably get married. And of course, since most of them went to JMA, they'll marry dragons from other tribes.

So without giving away too many spoilers, the dragons listed above (and the dragons they marry) can take: The SandWing throne, the MudWing throne, the SeaWing throne, and probably the RainWing/NightWing throne too. That's all the thrones except the IceWings. (And the SkyWings too but Aukelt marrying Cliff makes the SkyWings and the SeaWings as forever allies, so anyone who takes the SeaWing throne gets the SkyWings too).

And speaking of the Seawing throne...

(These OCs are all in my stories Outclaw Pool and Insanity, so this applies only for those stories. And also, at the end of Outclaw Pool, Auklet was queen, Coral has the throne at the start of Insanity though - it just makes the plot flow better.)

We all know that Tsunami, Anemone and Auklet are the three main SeaWing heirs. However, each of them had dragonets.

Tsunami has a very large family, for starters. She's got her two dragonets (only one of those two are female), but then Riptide has some siblings, so now, counting just Tsunami's generation and the generation of her children, there are six direct heirs to the SeaWing throne, not counting Tsunami, Anemone, and Auklet.

Then all of them went and had dragonets, so the official list of heirs to the SeaWing throne are:



Auklet because of Auklet and Cliff, the SeaWing heirs can now take the SkyWing throne

Abyss (Tsunami's daughter)

Reef (Anemone's daughter)

Sunken (Riptide's sister)

Rainfall (Riptide's sister-in-law)

Torrent (Sunken's daughter)

Navy (Rainfall's daughter)

River (Torrent's daughter)

Sapphire (Torrent's daughter)

Rain (Navy's adopted-daughter)

Dust (Navy's adopted-daughter)

Puffin (Abyss' daughter)

And Tsunami's son Seagull married one of the princessess of the rainforest, so the list extends to:

Dusk (Seagull's wife)

Voyage (Seagull's daughter)

And all because of Dusk, RainWings can take the SeaWing throne, and SeaWings can take the RainWing throne. 

But, since SeaWing queens live in the Deep Palace, a SeaWing heir is required to have gills, which knocks off about half of another extended list including everyone in the list above and who they get married to, and their dragonets. For example:

Voyage (in above list) has two brothers, Kingfisher and Fishbone. Fishbone marries someone in the SandWing royal bloodline (again, saying as much as I can without spoilers), so now the SeaWings and RainWings can take the SandWing throne. 

And Kingfisher is even more confusing. He marries an IceWing, and that IceWing's father remarries into the IceWing royal family. So Kingfisher's dragonets can now take the IceWing throne, bringing the IceWings into this chaos at last.

And all of this is not counting the minor characters who appear a few times or most of the characters who aren't related to the DoD.

Be happy I didn't add them in too.

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