Epilogue: The Two Black Sheep

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  • Dedicated to To All the Dedicated Readers


Okay this chapter has some twist and turns and WILL play with you emotion. This story is dedicated to all the dedicated readers because without you this wouldn't be possible without you!

AND for all the people who message me that they would be willing to edit a chapter! I appreciate it so much! I love the fact that you guys are so willing to work!

So Enjoy the Epilogue!

Epilogue: The Two Black Sheep

(One Year Later)

"You know, you should really wear orange more often; it brings out the color in your eyes." I snapped my head towards Josh and lunged at him. I started strangling him as Leo tried to pull me back.

"I'm wearing a prisoner's jumpsuit, you moron!" I yelled as Leo finally grabbed hold of me, pulling me away from Josh, who was lying on the floor trying to regain his breath. His whole  face had turned from white to red.

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound." I heard Willow sing as she held a cup in her hand, hitting it against the bars of the prison cell. We all heard clicking of heels and then a high-pitched voice, causing us to cringe.

"Who would have thought that the second time you guys got stuck here, I would be on the other side bailing you out?"

 We all smiled uneasily. "Hey Rebecca," we said in unison.


Eight hours earlier

I wanted to puke. I wanted to vomit whatever was in my gut, but the problem was that there was nothing in my gut. I hadn't eaten the whole morning. I haven't even drunk a sip of water and to be honest, I was surprised I even had the energy to stand up.

I was going to see him.


It had been an entire year since we took a break. Well, at first it was a break until it turned into a break-up. We talked to each other early on, but then as time passed, we realized that we didn't want to hold on to each other while we were so far apart, so we let go. We stopped talking to each other, and soon it became a mutual unspoken agreement that we would see other people.

And we both took the opportunity to see other people. I went on dates with other people, I kissed other people, and I fell for other people. But recurring thoughts of Luke flashed through my head. We hadn't seen each other in a year, and even though I wanted to keep on dating other people, when the time came for Luke and me to see each other again, I broke off my other relationships because I needed to know if there was still an us. I did this during Winter Break, but when Luke's family decided to fly to California and spend Christmas there, I realized I wouldn't even see him.

So I let go - I let go of him and I let go of us. I wasn't okay with the hope of just a possibility.

Now here I was, pulling my luggage towards home. I hadn't seen my family since the beginning of summer. I got an internship over the summer which required me to stay Pittsburgh, and Rebecca and Josh flew out to see me. Now, during my last week of summer, I made sure that I would meet my old group of friends, even if that meant I had to miss my first day of sophomore year.

And there they were, all looking the exact same; well almost, with a few minor changes. Willow had a pixie cut, Iris' hair was pink instead of blue, and Sareen's hair was no longer red. As for the guys, Leo and Blaine look the same with their goofy smiles. They all were holding signs.

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