Chapter Seven: She Vomits Rainbows and Poops Unicorns

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Dedicated to djthecompwiz thanks for editing the chapter!

(Officially Edited!) 

Read Author's note

Chapter Seven: She Vomits Rainbows and Poops Unicorns

                “She is a Greek Goddess with a mix of a Victoria Secret model.” Willow said as she eye goggled her.  She wasn’t lying. Our dance teacher was so beautiful that it hurt to look at her directly. She looked like your typical girl next door. She was fit, which was a given considering the fact that she was a dance teacher. She had long black hair with sea blue eyes. She kind of reminded me of Megan Fox, and every time I looked at her, my ego deflated.

                “Are you trying to tell me that she is pretty, or that you are gay?”  I sneered. Willow was toe-touching as she tried to stress her thighs.

                “Who pee-ed in your cornflakes this morning?” She asked eyeing me weirdly. I just scoffed in return. When Sareen told me that Luke’s girlfriend was the dance instructor, I was shocked at first, but then I kind of figured he obviously had a girlfriend. Like he himself was a version of a Greek God. Sareen told me that she wasn’t from our town and that she was from two towns over. I guess that made sense considering the fact that none of the girls here would be caught in a serious relationship with Luke given the circumstances.  Regardless, he was still able to a get girlfriend, but I on the other hand, wasn’t able to attract even one male’s attention.

                “You know she is dating Luke?”  I said. Willow jumped up and stared at me with wide eyes.

                “Are you serious?” She asked in shock. I looked back at the supermodel to see her talking to her future sister-in-law, Sareen.  I nodded in return.

                “Man this sucks. I was totally team Ruke, I even got the t-shirts printed, and everything.”  For the next five minutes Willow explained to me the idea of shipping, and I thought she was totally insane for trying to ship in real life, and me in Luke for that matter.  Apparently Shipping is when you take two people, who in her words are “meant to be”, and morph their names together.

                “You know, I guess there was a small part of me that kind of hoped that Luke and I would end up together. I don’t like him, but I just thought that maybe I would start developing feelings for him.” I confessed.

“I guess I have been reading too many stories on Wattpad, and I figured my life would be a cliché story. That I would meet him, and even though there would be obstacles we would end up together, and throughout the whole process we would conveniently not date anyone else.  This is a good thing. It gives me a reality check, and tells me not to jump on liking the first guy I become friends with.” I explained, but it felt like I was trying to convince myself more than I was trying to convince her. Willow nodded agreeing with every statement.

                “Rose I guess this a good thing. Sometimes you have to get to know the person before liking them. You only know Luke since a week, and you guys have barley had more than one conversation. Plus Luke has a lot of history Rose, I think its best that you don’t think of him as more than friends because you are going to end up getting hurt.”  She said, trying to convince the green monster within me to stay inside. I nodded, stretching my arms back and forth. I already had a lot on my plate I didn’t need another person who came with as much as baggage as I did. I needed someone who could listen to me and not someone that I had to listen to.

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