Chapter Twenty-Six: Just a Friendly New Year's Kiss

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Dedicated to @ AugustSkies because she help make the cover to my next story, and let me tell you guys it is going to be ten-times better than this story. Well in my opinion it will be! So hopefully you guys will continue to read my stories even after this book is over because it's going to happen in about six- eight chapters...maybe less..don't really know to be exact.

Anyhoo this chapter is about fourteen pages on Microsoft, so hopefully this makes up for me not updating in a long time. Also all you guys guess what the title of this chapter is related to and you guys are all WRONG *evil laugh* It's okay don't cry. I think you will enjoy this chapter...or will you *evil laugh*

Well have funny reading the longest light-hearted, romanticish, funnies, playful chapter


Chapter Twenty-Six: Just a Friendly New Year's Kiss

I always wanted to wake up to sun smiling and the birds chirping, but over the past four years, I have spent countless hours studying throughout the night. The one day I wanted to sleep in and wake up to a dusting of snow with the sun shining on me, the day I wanted to wake up as if I was part of some Disney movie, I still did not get the pleasure of doing so. No, instead, I woke up to the sound of Iris screaming.

"You son of a bitch! I am going to murder you with my bare hands!" I jerked out of my bunk only to land flat on my face. What a wonderful way to start off the morning.

"What happened? Who died!" Our door was practically knocked down by Rebecca, holding a frying pan. "Holy fudge! Iris, your hair...." She dropped the frying pan and covered her mouth with her hand.

"I'm a Barbie Doll from My Little Pony!" Iris shrieked.

Willow, who was barely awake, decided to contribute to the conversation.

"I'm pretty sure Barbie wasn't in My Little Pony," she continued, covering her head with her blanket, as if that would drown out the sound. Iris marched up to the bunk bed and pulled the covers off of Willow.

"Look at me!" She yelled in Willow's ear. Willow was about to yell out some profanity at Iris, but instead, she opened her eyes and started shrieking.

"Demon!" She yelled, creating a cross with her fingers. "Demon!"

By this time, I was wide a wake, and when I opened my eyes I definitely saw the sun, but it was certainly not smiling at me.

Iris was blonde. And not a pretty blonde, no; her hair was neon yellow blonde, if that was even an actual color. And let me tell you, blonde did not suit her.

"How did-this...," I trailed off, but before I could finish, Iris was already storming off to the bathroom.

"I was re-dying my hair blue. I wanted to do it before everyone woke up, but then when I went to wash it, I ended up looking like a cabbage patch kid!" She was throwing the dye everywhere, and I didn't blame her.

"Wait, do you hear that?" Sareen asked, jumping off her bed.

"What? My soul dying inside? I look like Rebecca!" Iris snapped.

Rebecca's mouth dropped open.

"Hey, I don't look that bad," she said, pouting like a spoiled little child.

"What? No," Sareen said, pushing herself off the bed. "It's laughter." She walked towards the balcony of our cabin. The lodge where we were staying had two floors, like an apartment complex, and we just happened to get the second floor.

"No it's just the devil's helpers," she announced as she walked out onto the balcony. All of us girls followed her from behind, and as we did, we saw four guys in the snow, laughing their butts off.

"You think this is funny?!" Iris yelled, pointing her at her hair.

"I think its hilarious!" Josh responded. "That will teach you to eat my Lucky Charms!" He said, getting up and shaking his butt in front of our faces.

"This is because of your Lucky Charms? You ruined my life because of Lucky Charms?!" Then her eyes went to her boyfriend; well, by the looks of it, he was soon going to be her ex. "And you let him do this!"

Leo got up and started shaking his head. "I tried to stop them. They were actually going tor shave your hair off, but I suggested the blonde instead," he said in his defense.

Iris' eyes became as big as saucers, as if she'd taken some hallucinogenic drug.

"No! You know I wouldn't care if my head was shaved, but you know how much I hate blonde hair, but you like blonde hair. You've been wanting to ruin my life!" She said, taking off her shoes and throwing them at him.

"Stop being melodramatic! You know that's not why."

Iris' head look like it was about to explode, especially with the smoke fuming out of her ears. "You thought if I shaved my hair that it would be awkward to take a bald girlfriend to dinner."

Leo, who was rolling his eyes just shook his head as all the guys stood behind him, enjoying their argument.

"You know what, Leo? I will make your life ten times easier." She walked back into the cabin, and then a minute later, she brought back scissors and a razor.

We all tried to stop her, but it was as if we became paralyzed, watching her do the unthinkable. Iris only cut half her hair, and then took the razor to shave the same half off. The end result was half her hair bald and the other half blonde.

"Well you know what, Leo? Have fun taking a psychopathic girlfriend to dinner." Leo just stood there with his jaw dropped wide open while Josh laughed hysterically.

"Don't think I am going to let you off the hook so easily, Josh!" Was all Iris said before storming back into our cabin, enraged.

"You guys just have opened a giant can of worms," Sareen told them before she closed the balcony doors.


"I say we ship them off to Mexico," Willow suggested as we all sat in a circle. The rest of the girls in our class decided to go off on a hike. which is what I wanted to do, but instead we were too caught up in plotting our revenge.

"Guys, I say we call off the deal," Sareen said, and when she did, Iris looked like she was about to cut her head off. "It's just, look - half your hair is gone. I think this challenge is going to be extreme."

Iris shook her head.

"No, they did this to me. I am going to get revenge on one of them, even if it kills me."

I thought she was going to go for Josh, but she was too focused on Leo, which was odd. "He thinks he can act all innocent. He knows I wouldn't go blonde, even if my life depended on it. He was trying to be all slick, acting as if he did me a favor. Well, the joke's on him," she said, laughing sickly.

"I like the new Iris," Willow said, laughing as we all sat there starting at the new psychotic killer.

"What are you planning to do?" Sareen asked, breaking off the laughter. Iris just put her hands together and started tapping her fingers as if she was a villain.

"I don't really care for my hair, but if I know Leo, his hair is his pride."


"We aren't supposed to be here," Sareen said, looking behind us. To be honest I'm surprised none of the teachers saw us sneaking off, but then again it was "free time", the time of day when we got the pleasure of doing anything we wanted.

"Can you stop whining like a baby?" Iris snapped as we slowly began to climb over the fence which was clearly labeled "No Trespassing."

"Just have fun and let it go," Willow responded. I stared at her, wondering if she had been smoking some stuff; after all this was Colorado.

"I swear if we get in trouble, I am telling the cops you kidnapped me," Sareen responded as she hopped over the other side of the fence to where we were.

"Why are we even here?" I asked. Iris had been making phone calls for the last hour. It was if we were a part of some mafia movie.

"I know a guy," she said and I couldn't help but think that we were going to get shot or arrested today. "He said to leave the money under the rock by the creek. In about another hour, the stuff would be by the creek."

I just stared at her in shock. She had to be kidding me. This was Colorado Springs, you couldn't just deal drugs whenever and wherever you felt like it.

"You already left the money!" Sareen shrieked. "Iris, this isn't normal. This challenge is getting out of hand. I think we should call it quits. You're talking to drug dealers; this isn't right." Sareen was the most logical person in the room, but I honestly believed until Iris didn't kill her boyfriend that it wouldn't matter.

"Just shut up and come on." I think at this point we realized that Iris had reached the point of no return. We trailed behind her as she jumped over rocks and trees, trying to get to the creek on the other side. When we got there, I thought someone was going to have a gun ready to kill us and have our bodies thrown into the creek, but instead I just saw a small bottle waiting for us.

"What is that?" Willow who ran towards the bottle grabbed it before anyone else could.

"It's hair remover."


"Hurry up, before someone comes!" I urged her while looking out the guys' door. We had about ten minutes before everyone started coming back to their cabins.

"Is anyone there?" Iris called out from the bathroom as she was mixing the body soap with the hair removal.

"No." I walked towards the bathroom, and saw Willow shaking the two substances together.

Sareen turned and went back to cabin, calling everyone insane. I didn't blame her. I thought their pranks were funny and not this extreme.

"How do you even know it's going to work?" I was pretty sure hair removal cream needed about five to six minutes there was no way that Leo was going to keep it on for that long.

"This is the extreme hair removal, it only takes three minutes for it to completely remove the hair. Knowing Leo, he will probably put it on before he puts on his conditioner, and he leaves his conditioner on for about three minutes." It was all strategically thought out.

"Bro, did you see that girl?" We heard voices coming from the hallway.

Iris and Willow stared at me, and I realized that I was supposed to be on look out.

"Shit!" I screeched. We didn't have time to run. We had to hide somewhere in the boys' room.

"Under the bunks." Iris said and we all scrambled. I was pretty sure they would see us or hear us.

"I still can't get over Iris's face." Blaine said as he walked over to the bunk bed Iris was under, and sat on top of it. Iris was so close to grabbing his ankles and pulling him under.

"I feel kind of bad," Leo said, and at that moment, the guilt within me was starting to rise up.

"It was kind of extreme to color her hair when all she did was eat your cereal. I think I am going to talk to her after I take a shower because I know how much she hates me, and it won't help matters if I'm all sweaty.

All three of us could feel the guilt simmering within us as Leo closed the door, but it was only Willow who was able to speak up.

"Wait!" she screamed, crawling out from under the bed, but before she could say anything else, Blaine cut her off.

"It's you!" He screeched, pointing his finger at her. Willow look startled at his accusation.

"Me." She whispered, scared out of her mind.

"You told Kimberly," he deadpanned and my mouth dropped. "You hinted to her that I might like her, and now she is avoiding me like the plague!"

Willow's eyes became ten times bigger at the realization of what she did.

"God, Willow why did you have to tell her? She is already socially awkward and it took me weeks to get her to open up in the first place, and now she won't even look at me. I don't know whether to be pissed at the fact she rejected me or the fact that I can't even be friends with the one person that actually gets me."

Willow looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"Blaine I'm so sorry. I was just eating breakfast-"

Blaine didn't even let the girl explain because he was already advancing towards her. "You talk way too much," he said in an eerily flat voice.

It was silent for a moment. And then we heard Willow screaming, "Save yourselves!"

Iris and I looked at each other before tearing out of the cabin. The next thing we heard as we retreated were Leo's screams.


"We lost a soldier today. She was one of kind. She sacrificed herself, so Rose and I could live to see another day," Iris told Sareen, who just stared at her in shock.

"What do you think they did to her?" She whispered as if they could hear her.

"Sent her to Guantanamo Bay. Blaine looked really pissed. I don't blame him, though, but I thought that if he did anything to her, he'd be risking his life," I said, unsure.

I wasn't shocked when I knew that Willow was the reason why Kimberly was acting weird this morning. Willow has always been known for having a big mouth.

"Poor girl," Sareen said, shaking her head. It was quiet again until we heard muffled sounds coming from behind our door. We exchanged looks of surprise before Sareen opened the door. Then our eyes practically fell out of their sockets. There was Willow, covered in duct tape. She was restrained to the point that she couldn't even walk.

"Holy crap!" Iris said, running to her and pulling of the tape off her mouth.

"Mother-fu-" She screeched.

"What happened?" I asked her, helping onto the bed.

"It happened so fast. It was if I was thrown into a battle without any weapons and there was nothing I could do to defend myself. I didn't even know what hit me. The last thing I heard was Blaine saying that I talk too much."

"That's it! They do this to our soldiers; they're asking for payback. We will take one of theirs."

The war had officially begun.

We all had water guns with freezing cold water in them. They were $20 each at the gift shop, but it was worth it, considering the fact that one of our soldiers had been humiliated.

We pumped our water guns, ready for the attack.

As we rolled into the cabin, armed with plastic weapons, we received peculiar looks from our fellow senior men, but we couldn't have cared less. We were going to honor the girl who sacrificed herself for us.

We pushed the door open. Even though the real culprit wasn't there, we were willing to take out anyone who got in our way.


"Willow, please calm down," Josh begged, but Willow just sprayed him with freezing water.

"You did this to me!" She shrieked. "We couldn't even pull half the duct tape off because it was so painful."

"I didn't do it Willow!" He insisted.

"But you watched! I'm your girlfriend - you're supposed to protect me!"

"I was trying, but then Leo came out with no hair on his body! Iris did that to her own boyfriend so I realized that nothing was sacred in this game of war. It was all about survival!" He cried.

"Well, if it's all about survival, then I guess I won't have pity on you for this!" She turned around and looked at us. "Would you ladies give us a moment alone?"

Time passed slowly as the three of us waited outside the door. And then the door opened and I saw a sight that made my eyes burn: My brother, dressed as cupid, walked out of the room, his head hanging in shame.

"Oh my god," Sareen said with her eyes wide as saucers. "You didn't even leave him his dignity," she said.

Willow replied solemnly, "He took away mine."


"This has become too much," I told Sareen. "Everyone just needs to chillax. I thought this was supposed to be fun, not a loners version of The Saw."

"Everyone has gone crazy, and it started with your brother's Lucky Charms."

We were on the balcony, drinking some hot chocolate. Everyone else was in their rooms, wallowing in anger. Sareen and I were the only sane ones left.

"You guys got room for one more?"

I looked up to see Luke towering over us.

"Can we trust you?" Sareen asked, scooting over on her chair so Luke could sit there.

"I would never hurt you. Honestly I think every one has gone loco. This trip was supposed to be fun, not another nightmare," he told Sareen.

Luke and I hadn't even made eye contact since the bus ride, let alone spoken to each other.

"You're telling me." I closed my eyes when I heard someone calling my name in anger.

I looked up to see Rebecca and Kimberly running towards us, furious. But it wasn't their faces that scared me; no, it was their skin color.

"What in God's name?" I asked Rebecca, who was shaking a pair of handcuffs in her hand and yelling at me as if she was going to whack me with them.

"We used your mosquito spray and this is what happened to us! Your pranks have gone too far!" She shrieked, running towards us. I jumped up, scuttling behind Sareen's chair.

"Rebecca, I didn't do that! It was someone else who was trying to get me, I swear!"

Rebecca grabbed my wrist and I could have sworn she was going to handcuff me to the chair, but instead she handcuffed me to the person sitting there.



"For the love of God, Thompson, if you don't unlock these handcuffs I swear I will strangle you in your sleep!" Luke roared, but this time he wasn't talking to me, he was looking directly at Rebecca.

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