Chapter One: Wake-up Sleeping Beauty

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Chapter One: Wake-Up Sleeping Beauty


        "The hills are ali - holy crap, what happened to your face?" This was the first greeting I got by my wonderful friend, Willow Fisher.

        "Lack of sleep; alarm clock didn't work; sister washed white clothes with pink clothes." I wasn't even sure if I was making any sense, but honestly I couldn’t care less. I have been getting stares all morning. My big plans of walking into school like a super model failed miserably. This had to be the worst morning in the history of worst mornings.

        Some idiot broke my alarm clock at the party last night, and I didn't realize that until this morning when I had only thirty minutes to get ready. Then, when I went to wash my face, I accidently used my sister's soap which causes my skin to flame up. That's not even the worst part. My contacts dropped in the sink when I was trying to put them on, so I was forced to wear my middle school glasses. It gets even better. My sister decided to put the washing machine on this morning, and I forgot to take out the outfit I had been planning on wearing because I was too busy sleeping, so I was forced to wear my oversize sweatshirt. Moreover, the ice on the cake was the weather. It is so humid that my hair is the size of frickin’ Africa.

        "God you look like an animal that escaped from the zoo”, she said, with her thick British accent. Yep, I was friends with a British chick. My only friend was a foreigner because everyone else in America tends to avoid me like the plague.

        Willow Fisher was a rare breed. When I first met her she looked like a hippie on crack, and we were only at elementary school at the time. Everyone in this small town tended to avoid her as if she had some infectious disease. Willow was different. She wasn't born here like every single person at this town, and on top of that, she didn't dress normal. She always wore crazy colors. Then, when she hit puberty in the first year of high school, she totally changed, and now looks like a Victoria’s Secret model.

        If I played on the other side of the team, or drive on the other side of the road, I would be totally hitting on Willow, and every single guy at this school agrees with my action. Fisher had so many secret admirers that it was ridiculous.

I like to think as Willow as the ugly duckling.

        Even though this ugly duckling could have left me in the beginning of freshmen year, she decided to stand by me every step of the way.

        "This is your sister's fault”, she said, narrowing her eyes. Willow and my sister weren’t on good terms, especially after my sister made out with her only boyfriend. My sister is far from being an angel. Willow was dating the 'hottie of the year', and my sister is the type of person that 'wants what she can't have', and that happened to be Willow's boyfriend at the time. Willow hates my sister with a burning passion, and it's only burns more because my sister is now currently dating this hottie.

        "She threw a party”, I said, grabbing my stuff out of my locker. Most high school students never touched their lockers, but I tended to be the outcast who did things differently.

        "She is such a bitch. She knew how much you have been planning on make this big entrance. She knew, and you have done everything for her, but this is how she repays you? I swear if I see her I will give her a knuckle sandwich”, she said, with her hands balling into a fist.

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