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( season 1, episode 9 )the short list

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( season 1, episode 9 )
the short list



ALEX, JOSH AND C.J. WERE ALL HUDDLED AROUND THE DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF'S DESK WHILE HOLDING THEIR BREATHS. What they had spent months working on was about to finally come to life with this phone call.

"Yes... Yes... Yes... So are you prepared at this point to..."

The words Josh were speaking were held together with so much hope as they got a response from the other end of the line.

And when they got the affirmation they needed all three of them shot their arms into the air in celebration with giant smiles on their faces.

"Thank you. Thank you, sir." Josh tried to compose himself momentarily to finish the call. "Uh, if you'll sit by the phone for a few minutes, you can expect a call from the President. Thank you again."

The second Josh put down the phone C.J. let out a loud 'yes' and Alex jumped out of her seat. "We did it!" She yelled.

"It's done," then added as C.J. began making her way out of the room to tell the staffers.

With C.J. galavanting around the bullpen, Alex flung herself into Josh's arms and swung her around. The two of them laughed at the fact all their hard work had finally paid off before following C.J. to see Donna.

"Who did it?" Donna asked.

While Alex and C.J. bellowed out 'we did it', Josh was quick to correct. "I did it! Alex and C.J. were on the phone with their fingers crossed."

"All you did was just one phone call!" The two women simultaneously yelled at him.

However, Josh was far less interested in that and began prancing around the pen. "It was a series of phone calls, which I masterminded, while I'm not one to be selfish about credit, I think it is important to know that it is done, and I DID IT!"

Alex couldn't help but grin at him as he did that funky little celebratory dance. While yes, he was trying to take the credit, the two of them knew that they both put in immense hours to secure it. She made her way to stand behind Donna, who was back at her desk, and place her hands on her shoulders as she leant down to rest her head on hers. "Call Toby. Call Sam. Call Leo. Call the President. Tell them we are on our way over!"

And after sharing a quick hug with C.J., the two of them made their way over to the communications pen with giant smiles on their faces while continuously bumping shoulders in excitement for what they had achieved.

Donna was talking to Josh about the continuous banging that had been heard from his office all morning. Even though Alex had heard it she decided to completely ignore it and relish in the pure joy she was feeling.

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