It's not rocket science

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Anna led us to her lab as soon as she finished ranting about how demanding Johnson is. The room was filled with different costumes, hyper-realistic faces of people, and machines. The walls had blue lights attached to them giving the room a cool tone. 

"I have a question," I asked, out of curiosity, sitting myself down on a chair, "Why does Johnson care if we were Hispanic if we were going to wear disguises anyway?" 

"Johnson is many things...clear about his orders, is not one of them. Plus, what I'm gonna give you is not exactly a disguise," she replied, Ace, opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a little girl, with colored marker all over running in and hugging Anna
"Oh! hello sweetie, pleasure seeing you here" Rodriguez smiled, widely. She glanced at us and gave out a little gasp, "Sorry, I forgot to introduce you to this adorable little girl," she picked her up as the girl continued to giggle, "This is my daughter, Amie!" 
"You have a daughter?" I questioned, grinning.

"She may not look like it but she is also married." A woman with wavy, blonde hair stepped in through the door and gave Anna a little kiss. The brunette laughed and spoke "Meet Brigette, my amazing wife" 
"Oh, stop it, I'm not that amazing!" Brigette remarked, sarcastically, "come on, let's get you cleaned up hm?" she whispered, taking Amie's hand and guiding her to another chair in the corner. 

After a bit of chatting and Ace tripping over absolutely nothing, Anna handed us two small boxes and told us to open them very carefully. 

"Lenses?" Ace looked at her confused.
"Not just any lenses, it's a replica of Mateo Lopez's retina" Anna cleared up, "and those are Camila's...try them on"
I peeked at Dalton, who already put his in, while I was struggling.

"Would you look at that, Little Miss Perfect is not so perfect after all!" He smirked, I shot him a glare, better than a the moment at least, and huffed "Shut up." After a few seconds of silence, Ace turned to face me
"Come here" he pulled my chair closer to him, "Just place it on your that try it...see! it isn't rocket science" His eyes were softened for the first time as he looked at he really as bad as I see him? I quickly looked away, breaking the eye contact, and walked over to Anna. 

"Perfect! Now, what will you be wearing tomorrow at the ball?" She looked at me then Ace, but we had no answer. Her eyes said 'really?' but there was still a little bit of excitement in them
"Can't say I'm surprised, pick something from my costumes." 

(A/N: pick the one you like, darling!) I picked out the dress I liked the most and waited for Ace to choose his suit

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(A/N: pick the one you like, darling!)
I picked out the dress I liked the most and waited for Ace to choose his suit.

"Does it fit?" Anna asked me looking at the dress, "I hope...any chance I could try this on?"
"Of course! I don't just have a spare room for nothing!" 
I put the dress on and looked at myself in the mirror, I don't usually wear dresses as I don't have many, exceptions are - Events like these. I never even got a chance to be normal, I want to wear dresses to proms not balls where no one even knows who I actually am.

"The dress fits perfectly, Anna" I assured quietly as I stepped out of the room "Uh is Ace ready?"
"Almost, if he could just HURRY UP!" she shouted mid-sentence, telling him to come out already

"I don't know how I look!" he complained, spreading his arms out so we could see the suit better, "You look fine!"
"it's nice!"
"You look like an 8-year-old kid whose mom dressed him." 
I hope you can tell which wonderful comment was mine. 
I can't help but admit I got this weird feeling about the ball that something is going to go terribly wrong...I can't shake it off...but it's going to be fine...right?

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