Tie or Bow tie?

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We were still at Anna's lab and I was waiting for Ace. He had been in that room for the past 30 minutes.
Out of patience, I walked inside to find him staring in the mirror with a bow tie and a normal tie in his hands.

"What are you doing?" I inquired
He finally looked away from the mirror and turned to face me

"Tie or bow tie"
"Well..." I moved towards him and looked him up and down "I've never seen you in a bow tie and it seems fancier. I'd say bow tie"
"Absolutely not, it looks hideous." He commented without missing a beat
I shot him a glare "Just say it."
"Say what?"
"You don't know how to tie a bow tie."
"Shut up." He hissed and looked away,
I laughed and took the bow tie from his hand
"What are you doing?" He looked at me but I didn't reply, I was more focused on tying the bow.

"There," I stepped back and looked at the crooked bow tie I made and chuckled "Yeah we'll just ask Anna to do it" he looked in the mirror and laughed, shaking his head.
"The most deadly assassin and the arrogant Dalton struggling to tie a bow tie"
"Hey, I'm not arrogant." He protested, I looked at him, holding back a laugh and raised my eyebrows.

Out of the blue, he pushed away from the mirror and I stared at him, bewildered.
"You were getting the way of my hotness"
The audacity. "I'm way hotter than you"
"And I can still put a bullet in your head"
"I'd love to see you try."
Ace chuckled and pulled at his putting it against my temple.
Before I could say something, I  heard a loud gunshot, I looked at him wide-eyed
"That wasn't me..." he said

We ran outside and froze at the sight of a dead body
Quickly, we rushed towards it and kneeled down and stared in horror
It was Bridgette...laying in a pool of her own blood with the most horrifying expression a human could imagine.
There was no sign of Anna or Amie, I am thinking they fled from the killer
"What do we do?" I asked
"How do I know?! What's-her-name is dead!"
I scanned the room in case the murderer was still hiding here but there was no one.

"This won't be a problem, she had nothing to do with the job you're assigned. Don't worry we'll take care of it." One of Johnson's men told us and called in a bunch of people. They sent us back to the hotel.

"That was fun," I remarked with heavy sarcasm, slumping on the bed.
"I'm bored. Do you want a drink?" Ace took off his coat
"Sure." I sighed, today's already so messed up.
From the mini-fridge, he took out a bottle, two glasses and filled them up. Dalton handed one of them to me and sat down

In the past 20 minutes we've had over 9 glasses now and I think it's safe to say we are drunk as a skunk.

"You know if we met in a different life, I wouldn't want to hate you, I'd just wanna admire you," said Ace, blurring his words together
I laughed at that "why?"
"I mean look at you! How could I not? I want to throw you off a cliff and kiss you at the same time."
"Is that so? then, why don't you?"
"Because" he leaned closer "if I kissed you...I don't think I'd be able to stop"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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