Are you...bored?

15 3 1

Song for the chapter-Bad guy remix by Dani L. Mebius

New day, new problems.
I sighed leaning back on the wall of my bathroom, changing the dressing on my thigh. It wasn't a major cut so I was done with it pretty quick. I glanced at the clock as I stepped out of the bathroom.
Shit. I rushed to my room to get my bag and gather the books which were scattered around, as fast as I could.
Luckily, I wasn't sleep-deprived today, so that's a win. I ran out of the house and met up with Cade. He has been my best friend ever since I moved here, and the only person who knew about me being the 'Shadow Hunter'.

"How's your day going so far?" The green-haired, idiot asked, swinging his arm around my shoulder.
"Well, no one died."
"Those are your standards?"
We both laughed and walked to school. He was the only person in this hell hole I could trust, of course, knowing my identity puts him in danger was an accident.


I opened my window and hopped inside, instead of coming through the door because I was still wearing my mask. Covered in blood and tired as fuck, I removed my mask and slumped on the couch. My heart stopped when I heard something drop in my bedroom. I shot my head up and stared wide-eyed at the person staring back at me, with his mouth open, it was Cade.

He looked at me as if I said something that hurt him "YOU FUCKING INVITED ME OVER!"
"NOT AT 1 AM!"
"OH WELL, PARDON ME FOR BELIEVING MY BEST FRIEND!" He ran out of the room stared at me. "What are you doing?" I asked, bewildered
"You're real!" Really? Is he on crack?
"Of course I'm real!"
"AND YOU'RE THE FUCKING 'SHADOW HUNTER' OH MY GOD!" he squealed...and fainted.
What do I do with this idiot? I can't kill him.
So I risked everything and trusted him to not tell anyone. Which was going great, since it's been 3 years and he hasn't told anyone.


I may be on the FBI's most-wanted list but I'm still a high school student, and that shit is more stressful than hiding a body.

"Y/n Miller?" My teacher called out "yes?" I raised my hand
"There is someone here to pick you up." Okay, that's new. It's either that my parents flew from Canada to pick me up and take me to Wendy's or it's someone trying to kill me or my sister came back from the dead to say hello. Two guesses who.

"Miss Miller? Your supposed brother is here to pick you up. We need to make sure you know him." the principal told me. Oh brilliant, I didn't even know I had a brother.
"Thanks for letting me know." I faked a smile and went to see who it was.
I slowly walked towards the exit to find a man, wearing a suit, waiting for me.

"How can I help?" I asked, keeping my distance
"We require your presence at the HQ, Shadow Hunter." The man spoke, with a thick Russian accent, quietly. I arched my eyebrow at him and asked
"Who is 'we'?"
"Get in the car and we'll explain everything."
"No, you won't."
"No, we won't, just get in the car."
I looked back at the principal, who was still eyeing us and gave him a thumbs-up, turning back to the car.
"Fine." I sighed and sat inside.
The car ride was quiet and no one said a word. After, what felt like hours, we reached the "HQ".
It was a two-story building with a Limo parked outside.
The man led me inside and told me to go downstairs to the basement.
I scanned my surroundings before stepping into the elevator.

The elevator stopped at the basement and the door opened, it was colder than expected. I walked around, waiting for someone to show up. Out of boredom I took out my knife and started twirling it. I walked around for 10 minutes, it was dead silent in there, the only sound I could hear was my whistling and the clicking of my heeled boots.

"Shadow Hunter, they are ready for you." My eyes fell on a woman in a black suit and straight hair as she gestured at a door.
"Thanks" I winked, making her blush, and walked inside. The smell of cigarettes and gun powder filled the room. It was dark in there. On a fancy throne-like chair, sat a man, whose silhouette was familiar. Apart from that, there was a table and chair on the opposite side of him.
I quietly sat down on it and leaned back, waiting for him to talk.

"We meet again, Miller." The man said and I immediately recognized the British accent.
"Why the need to send your men when you came alone last night?" I asked, rolling my tongue. He laughed and replied
"Last night, I needed to convince you, and I did."
"What makes you think you convinced me?"
"If I hadn't you wouldn't have come."  I rolled my eyes at his answer and looked away. "Are you...bored?" He asked, almost whispering.
In the world of assassins and murderers, that's equivalent to - 'I have a mission for you.'
I looked back at him, paying attention.
"Thought so." He pulled out a file and handed it over to me.
I took it and read the information.

"Name: Andrew Keating.
Age: 35
Height: 5'9
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Address: 336 Cheshire Road
Number: 615-854-1532
Occupation: CEO of Keating inc.
Current income: 60 Billion Dollars (Approx.)

Once I was done reading I looked back at the smirking, so-called God.
"How much am I getting?"
"One-fourth of his current income, but you'll have to split it with your assignment partner."
He said taking the file back
"What do you mean partner."
"You'll be assigned a partner. This isn't a one-man job."
"Good thing, I'm not a man," I said, placing my elbows on the table, earning a chuckle from him
"You'll understand why it's so important when he arrives and I give you more details.."
I prefer working alone because others tend to annoy the fuck out of me and mess shit up. "So, who's my partner?" He paused for a second as if he realized something but then spoke
"We'll discuss it tomorrow. You'll see who it is."
I scoffed "Why can't you tell me now, it-"
"Miss Miller, we'll talk about this tomorrow. Please, leave." He demanded, a little firmly.
I quietly got up and left. Anyone but that Dalton.
The only mission I went on with him was the one that went terribly wrong.

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