Ace Dalton

13 3 2

Song for the chapter- Start a riot by Duckwrth and Shaboozey
The Architect by the Chamber Orchestra of London.


"ACE, I SWEAR TO GOD!" I yelled at him, "YOU KNOW MAYBE ONCE IN A WHILE COULD YOU FORGET THAT YOU ARE A DALTON!?" but he completely ignored what I said and we both stared at the body,
"Well, what was I supposed to do?" he asked, acting innocent. "I don't know, maybe, NOT KILL HER?! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER!"
he stepped closer to me and laughed, hiding his anger, "Y/N, IT IS NOT MY FAULT THAT SHE TRIED TO KILL EVERYONE ELSE, INCLUDING YOU, FIRST!" 
"SHE WAS HIS DAUGHTER YOU BLOODY MORON." I huffed and left him to deal with the body.
That is precisely why I work alone. 


"Miller! have a seat!" he smiled and gestured towards the chair I sat on yesterday. How bipolar can this man get? "Your mission partner just landed, he'll be here soon!" 
"He?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Yes, of course." he looked at me as if it were obvious, 'Please don't be Ace.' I crossed my fingers, in hope. After a few minutes of me mindlessly scanning the file, again and again, I heard the door open and a deep chuckle.
 "Ace! wonderful to see you again!" fucking cursed mouth.
He took a seat next to me and I looked away, avoiding eye contact. If it weren't already clear, I hated him more than anything. 

"Wonderful to see you too!" he greeted, with a fake smile and turned to me smirking, "So, let me just brief you on what you have to do" he went through some papers, correcting a few things with a pencil, and then finally looked back, showing us the picture of our target. 
"You both have already read the details-" He got up from his chair and started hovering around us.
"He is hosting a party next week, celebrating 20 years of Keating's inc. That's where you both come in. You have to go undercover as a couple-" 
"A what?!" We both exclaimed in sync, cutting him off.
"Did I stutter? The reason you are going as a couple is that he invited only the richest couples from around the world, one from each country. Lucky for us, you're both Hispanic. 
We managed to get the list of the people invited and were able to kidnap a certain pair. Bring them in please!" he ordered and two people were brought in. I recognized them They were still wearing their night suits and looked like they had been crying a lot. "This is Mateo and Camila Lopez. From now on, you are them." he placed his hands on our shoulders and smiled "I booked your flights for tomorrow, your stuff is ready, just go there and kill him. That's all we need."  
With that, we both left.

"Wasn't it bad enough that I had to work with you that we have to pretend a couple now?" I commented, bitterly 
"Don't be flattered, darling, the feeling is mutual," he replied, in his deep voice, "plus, I'm obviously gonna be the better half." he shrugged,
"Oh, very mature"
He took a step forward "More than you'll ever be, darling."
"Give me one reason for why I should not kill you right now."
"You won't kill me because too afraid." He stepped even closer,
"Yeah? Wanna bet?" I took a step forward as well, our faces were only a few inches away, we both took out our guns and positioned them under the other's chin at the same time.

"No fighting!" The woman from earlier pulled me back, preventing me from killing him right there and then.
I pulled away and left, nudging his shoulder.

He is the most arrogant, stuck-up, jerk I have ever met. He thinks he is better than everyone else because he is a fucking Dalton.
Why are they so powerful, you ask?
Well, because his family runs the world's 3rd most dangerous Mafia, making him think he's superior.
One day I'll rip him apart and I'm going to enjoy every second 

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