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Hi sorry for not updating recently I'll try to do it more often. I'm also going to be starting a new book so look out for that! Any ways lets continue on.

Part 4

    They exited the portal and Elizah shouted "I've never been in here before!" Wilbur smiled at his son in Dream's arms and took him from Dream. They headed down the tunnel.

*Time skip to end of tunnel* (So you don't read them just walking for a really long time. Nothing happened except walking and Tommy shouting at random points for no reason.)

They arrived at the end of the tunnel and Dream pressed a concealed stone button opening the door. They all exited the tunnel and went out into the open. "Hang on I'll text everyone on the SMP to gather at a set of coordinates to introduce them to Elizah." Dream said as he opened chat.


Dream: Hey everyone can you gather at ****** **** I need to show you something important. Also please make sure your not streaming at all.

Puffy: Of course duckling I'll be there soon.

AweSamDude: Alright Dream

Punz: Yo sure!

Tubbo: Me and Ranboo are bringing Micheal

Schlatt: Alright

Karl and Quackity: Sure and wheres Sapnap been?

Sapnap: With Dream

Karl and Quackity: Alright!

Fundy: I'll be there. Also is dad with you Dream?

WilburSoot: Yeah I'm with him Fundy

Purpled: Alrighty! Also who else is with you Dream?

Badboyhalo: It's me, Dream, Wilbur, Sapnap, George, Tommy, Techno, and Philza

Skeppy: Oh so that's where you went Bad. I'll see you there.

Bad: Ok Geppy!

Skeppy: ////

Quackity: Bahaha! Skeppy's blushing!

Bad://// Shut up you muffinhead(to Quackity)

Quackity has left the chat

Sapnap: Ahahaa!

Puffy: We'll all be there duckling. See you soon.

Dream: Ok

Dream has left the chat.

Dream closed the chat and opened up the thing to do the teleport command. "Alright I'll teleport us all there." The others nodded and Dream entered the command. They all landed at the set location and started walking towards the others. Dream and Wilbur stayed back to go over how to introduce Elizah. Sapnap found Karl and Quackity and was inbetween the two. George was inbetween Eret and Fundy. Tommy, Techno, and Phil found Ranboo, Tubbo, and Micheal by Schlatt. Bad had found A6D and Skeppy, he was now holding Skeppy's hand. Dream was starting to sweat a bit, he had his back to everyone so they wouldn't see his face yet. "What if they hate him, what if they hate me for not telling them." Dream was ranting on and on about what if's. Wilbur put a hand on his boyfriends shoulder and said "Dream, it will be fine, they'll understand once you explain. And besides he's adorable how could they not love him. Puffy will be excited and so will your brothers."

*Quick (not really) Explanation on the Families in this AU:

Okay so Dream's bio-father was extremely abusive. To both Dream and his bio-mother. Dream's mother couldn't take it so she killed herself. Leaving Dream with his father. He met Bad, George, and Sapnap in high school. After they graduated Dream left home and met Puffy. Puffy adopted Dream and Dream became brothers with Sam, Punz, and Purpled. Puffy and Schlatt are bio-sibilings and Tubbo is Schlatt's son. Tubbo and Ranboo are platonically married and adopted Michael. Schlatt is Dream's uncle and him and Tubbo are cousins. Philza and Techno are best friends and have know each other for a long time. SBI is still here, but a little different. Phil adopted Wilbur and Tommy, but not Techno, so Wilbur and Tommy are brothers. Bad and Skeppy are like Spanap's parents.

*And that's about it so back to the story. It may change up a bit or I may add stuff, just a warning but who knows.*

Dream looked up at Wilbur and nodded. He adjusted the mask on the side of his head so it wasn't covering any of his face. "No one's streaming right?" Dream shouted/asked. "Yeah no ones streaming mate!" Philza shouted. Dream took a deep breath kissed Wilbur's cheek and turned around walking towards everyone. The rest of the SMP members were in complete shock. Dream was showing his face, his whole face to them for the first time. His other eye the one they've never seen before was purple. Dream smiled and said "Hi everyone." Ranboo was next to Tubbo with Michael inbetween them swinging on their hands. "Ender dragon," Ranboo said in a distant tone of voice. Tubbo looked up from checking on Michael and stared at Ranboo. "What'd you say Big man?" Tubbo noticed that Ranboo was in a kind of trance like state. "Ender dragon," was all he said in response. Tubbo turned and stared at Dream then back at Ranboo. "Huh? What do you mean by Ender dragon Big man? That's just Dream?" Dream noticed that Ranboo was staring at him in an odd way. 'Oh right he's part Endermen so me showing my eye and me being part Ender dragon would affect him.' Dream smiled and walked over to Ranboo. He snapped his fingers and Ranboo semmed to snap back to reality. "Sorry Ranboo should have realized this would happen since your part Endermen." Dream smiled and returned to where he was standing once he finished speaking. Puffy was confused and asked "Why would you showing your face fully affect Ranboo? And what does him being an Endermen have to do with it duckling?" Dream smiled and said "just let me explain. I'm actually a hybrid." He waited and let his words sink in. "Your a what?!" and things along that line where shouted at Dream. He held up his hand for quiet and said "yes I am a hybrid an Ender dragon hybrid to be exact." Ranboo said "no wonder I always felt the odd desire to protect you." Dream nodded and said "I have this eye as a show of my hybrid side as well as wings I've kept hidden." Dream slowly revealed and unfolded his wings. They were large leathery wings with a black structure, the wings themselves where purple. (Like the wings in the Minecraft game.) Dream heard a collective gasp from everyone. "I also want you all to meet someone very important." This also caught everyones attention. Dream motioned for Wilbur to come over. Wilbur turned around and walked over carrying Elizah. Once Wilbur was beside Dream he said "I want all of you to meet mine and Wilbur's son Elizah. He's 8 years old and an Ender dragon hybrid like me. Wilbur only found about him today so don't get mad at him. It was my decision to keep him a secret from you all. Because I was worried you wouldn't accept him or me, and I wanted to keep him safe." Dream finished and everyone was silent. Everyone except the ones who already knew burst out at once "YOU HAVE A KID!"


Hahaha! Cliffhanger guys. I'll update soon, but for now bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals! (Sincerly, Author-chan!)

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