New Part For You Guys!

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(Thank you so much for all the views! I love all of you so Much! And now onto the story Muffins!)

*With Dream and Karl*

Dream started walking higher up the mountain Karl following behind. "Where is that thing?" Karl paused and rested his hands on his knees than he said "It should be up ahead, deep in a cave." Dream nodded and kept walking, helping Karl up the pass. Once the two reached the top they found a hidden opening for a cave. They nodded at each other and went inside. After walking deep inside they saw the Egg.

(My God it took so long to find this pic without someone in it

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(My God it took so long to find this pic without someone in it.)

Karl shivered and Dream rapped an arm around his shoulder. "It's still the same." Dream nodded at Karl and glared at the egg. "I thought you where gone Egg." Karl faced the Egg as Dream spoke.

Egg- "I NeVer LeFt."

Dream narrowed his eyes and pulled his mask off his face and to the side of his head. Karl summoned his book of time and pulled his goggles over his eyes. Dream unfolded his wings and his tail swished out. Both eyes now glowing purple. Karl opened his book and his symbol appeared behind him.

Egg- "It DiDn'T WoRk LaSt TiMe. It WoNt WoRk ThIs TiMe." It hissed out.

Dream started chanting in Endermen and Karl started reading from his book. A bright light surrounded the two and the egg. They continued speaking the light growing rapidly.

Egg- "No It'S NoT PoSsIbLe, HoW ArE YoU StRoNgEr!"

The light filled the entire cave and the opening was glowing. Perfect for the group trying to find Dream and Karl.

*With the search party*

Technoblade was up front. He looked up and saw the light from the cave entrance. "GUYS!" He shouted to the others. The three looked up and saw the light. "I THINK THAT'S THEM!" The three rushed up to Techno. Wilbur pulled out a sword and so did Sapnap. Quackity had an axe, while Techno had a pick-axe. They nodded at each other and headed towards the light.

*Back with Dream and Karl*

Both where struggling to stay conscious and continue the spell to destroy the egg once and for all. "W-we need Bad and Phil!" Karl yelled to Dream. Dream nodded and summoned two small blobs instructing them to find Bad and Philza.

 Dream nodded and summoned two small blobs instructing them to find Bad and Philza

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(They look like this)

The two blobs vanished for a few moments, then reappeared. Dream nodded at them and they disappeared with a slight popping sound.  "There coming." Dream said in English before returning to chanting in Endermen. Karl nodded and continued reading.

*With the search party*

Wilbur glanced at his command screen and saw something odd appear.

~Badboyhalo has teleported to *** **** ***~

~PhilzaMinecraft has teleported to Badboyhalo~

Wilbur looked at their coordinates and realized Bad and Philza had teleported into the cave. "Guys!" The others turned to Wilbur. "What now!" Sapnap shouted down at the Brit. Wilbur shouted back "Bad and Phil just teleported into the cave!" "WHAT?!" Techno shouted turning around and marching up the rest of the mountain. Sapnap, Quackity, and Wilbur scrambled up after the piglin hybrid. Once they all reached the cave entrance they stopped. Unsure on how to proceed.

*Back with Dream and Karl*

Bad and Philza appeared beside the two males. "We're here!" Bad shouted shifting into his total demon form. Philza ruffled his feathers and activated his magic. "I thought this thing was dead!" Philza shouted as he launched the magic from his hands at the Egg.

Egg- "HoW DaRE YoU DeFiEy Me!"

Bad launched his own demonic magic at the Egg shouting "Shut Up You Muffin Head!" Dream continued his chanting and smiled somewhat, glad theses two where now here. Karl kept reading from his book. With the combination of these different magics the Egg began to deteriorate.

Egg- "No I CaN't LoSe AgAiN!"

"DON'T COME BACK TO THIS SERVER OR ANY OTHER SERVER AGAIN!" Bad shouted as the 4 finished the spell. The light flashed so bright the people outside had to turn away. The light faded and left the 4 inside exhausted. Bad was holding Karl up who now had a streak of white in his brown hair. Philza was supporting Dream whose left eye had turned black with a purple pupil and iris. "We did it." Dream said with a weary smile. "Yeah, we did mate." Philza said with a small smile playing across his lips. Bad grinned and put Karl on his back. Philza picked Dream up bridal style because of his wings. The two carried them towards the cave entrance. When they got outside they found Techno, Wilbur, Sapnap, and Quackity at the entrance waiting for them. Sapnap and Quackity ran too bad and took Karl carefully holding him close. Wilbur when up to Phil and hugged him, taking Dream afterwards. Sapnap then took a deep breath saying "What the heck just happened," he turned to face Bad, "and why did you come here dad?" Bad rubbed the back of his neck and stood next to Philza. Philza smiled slightly but it faltered. "Uh, we kinda knew what the Egg was but acted like we didn't, so when Dream sent his blobs to find us we teleported over to help get rid of the Egg mate." Techno sighed and said "As long as your alive it's fine, you can tell us what the Egg was once we get back down the mountain and Karl and Dream wake up." He gestured to Karl and Dream who were now asleep in their lovers arms. The others nodded and Techno pulled up his command screen and typed in the coordinates of his house. "I'll take us to my house." The others nodded and Techno entered the coordinates.

~Technoblade and 7 others have teleported to *** *** ****~

Once they got to Techno's house they put Dream and Karl on the couch. Techno sat in a chair and crossed his arms staring Philza and Bad down. The two shifted under the piglin hybrids gaze. Sapnap came back from the kitchen with 2 stakes in his hands. He tossed one two Quackity and sat next to him. Wilbur leaned against the doorway to the kitchen watching the people in the living room.

*Time Skip- 1 Hour Later*

Dream and Karl woke up around the same time. They saw the other 6 people lounging around the living room. Techno noticed they were awake. "Good your up, now you can tell us what the Egg is or at least was." All the eyes turned onto Philza, Bad, Dream, and Karl. Waiting for an explanation. Dream sighed and said "Well you se-" Then a figure surrounded by light appeared in the center of the room interrupting Dream.


(That's all for now. Who do you guys think the figure is? Comment below I want to know your guesses. I'll reveal it in the next apart once I finish it. Well that's all I have for you Muffins today! Hope you enjoy! Also check out my other books as well! Thanks For Reading!)

(Sincerely, Author-chan!)

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