I'm Still Alive! New Part!

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(Yo! Hi I'm still here! So here is a new part for all of you Muffins!)

*Las Nevadas*

Karl walked down to his room. He opened the door and closed it making sure to lock it. He walked over to a bookshelf and pushed a button hidden behind a book. The shelf opened up to reveal a secret alcove. He opened a chest and pulled out a book.

 He opened a chest and pulled out a book

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(His book)

'What could be approaching.'


"The egg is hungry."

*End Flashback*

'No, It can't be back.' "No! It can't come back. I thought the Egg was gone." Karl put the book back and closed the alcove. Karl pulled up the SMP chat and typed a message to everyone.


KarlsJacobs: Guys stay away from the mountain range nearby. Something is really dangerous there.

PhilzaMinecraft: Dangerous what do you mean?

KarlsJacobs: It's called the Egg, it's really dangerous and if it's found then it wont end well.

Dream: The Egg!! I thought we got rid of it!

KarlsJacobs: So did I Dream.

Sapnap: The Egg? Dangerous? How do you two know about it?

WilburSoot: I don't understand whats going on.

Technoblade: I'm not by the moutains. What The Heck Is The Egg?

~Dream has left the Chat~

~KarlsJacobs has left the Chat~

Badboyhalo: Me and Geppy just left the Nether? What's the Egg?

Quackity: That's what we don't know.

WilburSoot: Where The Heck Is Dream! He handed me Elizah and teleported away!

Technoblade: WHAT?!

Sapnap: I just kicked Karl's door down cause it was locked. He's Gone!

Quackity: WHAT?!

PhilzaMinecraft: WHAT IS GOING ON!

TommyInnit: What's the Egg? Also I just saw Dream and Karl heading to the mountains.

Tubbo: Yep! Me Toms and Bosios man saw them.

Ranboo: Ah yes Bosios man.


Ranboo: Sorry.

WilburSoot: Techno, Sapnap, Quackity. Let's go!

Technoblade: Alright.

~Technoblade has left the Chat~

~WilburSoot has left the Chat~

~Quackity has left the Chat~

~Sapnap has left the Chat~

Wilbur teleported to Puffy and handed her Elizah. "Keep an eye on him for me will you?" "Of course Wilbur!" Puffy said delighted to watch her grandchild. "Thanks I'll see you later." Wilbur waved to Puffy and teleported to the mountains. When he got there he saw Techno, Sapnap, and Quackity waiting for him. The three nodded to Wilbur and they all started walking upwards, looking for Dream and Karl.


(And that's all for now! I had to add in a new conflict so I thought what better than the Egg! It'll go different than the og storyline though. Thanks for reading Muffins!)

(Sincerely, Author-chan!)

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