Brand New Part For You Muffins!

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(I'm back and here we go with another part to this story guys!)

*Las Nevadas*

Wilbur stormed up to the building. "Slimecicle! Let Us In!!" Slimecicle opened the doors to a very angry Wilbur. "Hello WilburSoot of the Wood Bio-me. Are you here to see Quackity?" Dream appeared behind Wilbur and nodded. Technoblade appeared behind Wilbur as well. "Are all of you here to see Quackity?" Slimecicle asked. Dream smiled and said "Yes Charlie we're here to see Quackity." "Okay," Slimcicle smiled and opened the door "come on in." The three of them walk into Las Nevadas and head to Quackity's office with Slimecicle guiding them. "Thank you Charlie." Dream said as Slimecicle walked away. Wilbur kicked the door open and found Elizah playing on the floor in front of Quackity's desk. Wilbur walked up and hit Quackity in the back of the head. "What the heck dude!" Quackity shouted. "You took Elizah from our house so you deserve it!" Wilbur shouts back as he goes and picks Elizah up. Quackity rubs the back of his head while Dream goes next to Wilbur and hugs both of them. Technoblade laughs at the scene and waves as he walks out of the room. "Yo Quackity, I don't think you should do that again." Quackity nodded at the retreating piglin hybrids back. "Yeah definitely wont." He mumbled under his breath. Wilbur was whispering to Elizah and asking different questions. Dream just smiled and held onto Wilbur. "Lets go home and eat something, the foods probably cold but we can reheat it." Dream finished with a smile. Elizah grinned and shouted "YEAH!" Wilbur laughed and handed Elizah to Dream. Dream smiled and walked out of the office with Elizah. Wilbur turned to Quackity and his eyes flashed red. With a maniac grin plastered on his face he said "If you take him again, I won't hesitate to BlOw Up EVeRy LAsT BLoCk!" Quackity nodded very rapidly and Wilbur smirked. Then he turned around and left Las Nevadas with his boyfriend and son.

*With Quackity*

Quackity looked at the door and then fainted from shock. Sapnap walked in and saw his fiance passed out and fell onto his knees laughing. Karl walked in and saw one fiance passed out and the other one laughing at him. Karl sighed and left the room not wanting to deal with his two fiances at the moment. 'Somethings coming, I need to find out what. Guess it's time to break out the book.'


(Kinda a cliffhanger. Updates will happen soon. Check in to see what happens next. Bye Muffins!)

(Sincerely, Author-chan!)

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