Hi! I Am Alive!

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I am so sorry I haven't updated in awhile I've been busy and couldn't think of anything to right. I'm back now so here's another part for you Muffins!

(Sincerely, Author-chan!)

     Dream flinched at the shouting and Wilbur pulled Dream close. "Yes, I do have a kid. He's mine and Wilbur's. Don't ask how it works or happened. Long story short I got pregnant and kept Elizah a secret for his safety." Dream tried to muster a smile but it faltered. Wilbur just smiled and pulled him even closer and pressed a kiss to his forehead. He smiled at the action. Everyone was quite, until Purpled burst out, "I'M AN UNCLE! AND I'LL BE WAY BETTER THAN TOMMY!" "IN YOUR DREAMS PURPLED!" Tommy shouted back. Dream just laughed at the two of them arguing who would be the best uncle. Punz separated the two holding out his hands. "Correction you two, I will be the best uncle." The two started shouting at Punz now, and Dream laughed even harder. Then to his suprise Sam approached the three fighting uncles. "Actually your all wrong. I will be the best uncle." Now he was wheezing since he wasn't expecting Sam to join in the fight at all. Then everyone was laughing at the four of them fighting.

*Time Skip- Few hours later*

Dream and Wilbur walked through the front door of their home. Wilbur lead a very sleepy Dream and an already sleeping Elizah to his and Dream's room. He sighed in content as Dream cuddled up to Wilbur with Elizah in-between them. "Guess I'll add another room for Elizah tomorrow." And with that Wilbur closed his eyes. Peacefully sleeping with his family. All finally together at last.


Sorry it's short! I just wanted to give you Muffins another part! Go check out my other stories! Also give me some Ideas for this one! Bye my guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

(Sincerely, Author-chan!)

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