Back Again!

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Hi, it's been a bit but here's an update for you Muffins.

(Sincerely, Author-chan!)

Wilbur woke up with the sun streaming over Dream's face. He stared at him for a moment before he carefully got up. Not wanting to wake the two still asleep. Elizah opened his eyes and looked around sleepily. "Papa.." he said sluggishly. "Hey bud go back to sleep I'll make some breakfast for all of us. And don't wake up daddy okay."  Elizah lazily nodded and laid back down. Wilbur walked to the kitchen and started cooking.

*Time Skip- Food is ready*

Wilbur walked back into the room and carefully woke Elizah. "Hey bud go and eat, it's on the table ok. I'll wake up daddy too." Elizah nodded and stumbled out of the room. Wilbur shook his head with a soft chuckle. "Dream," he said as he approached the bed "wake up love." Dream rubbed his eyes and sat up. "mmm.. what time is it?" "It's still morning, Elizah's eating in the kitchen, I made you something to eat to." Dream stood up and walked down the hallway towards the kitchen with Wilbur. Then they heard a crash. They ran to the kitchen to find the door hanging open and a chair knocked over. "HE'S GONE!" Dream shouted. Wilbur clenched his fist and his eyes turned red. "Whoever took him is DEAD!" Wilbur screamed as he held Dream to him.


(Cliffhanger For You Muffins)

Hope you enjoyed it. Bye Guys, Gals, and Non-binary Pals!

(Sincerely, Author-chan!)

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