Chap 6

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When Jennie looked at the trio, she was curious, she had never seen those 3 before and had never seen such a beauty either. "They must be new students." Jennie thought. Though the trio was beautiful but seeing as they were just bottom ranked students, everyone ignored them and went back to doing whatever they were doing.

The trio ordered their respective meals and searched for a vacant table and to their luck, there were lots of vacant tables surrounding a group of girls who were enjoying their lunch break. Being oblivious, they didn't even wonder as to why those tables were empty despite being located in the center of the canteen, and as to why there were a lot of vacant tables surrounding a group of girls, nope they didn't question it one bit and just went ahead on one of the vacant tables but before they could even reach the table Jisoo tripped down on someone's outstretched leg to which she didn't notice and being the clumsy bear that she is, Seulgi also tripped down with her, together both unconsciously tossed their lunches while falling down and the said tossed lunches landed down on a particular Jennie Kim and Irene Bae. Everyone in the canteen gaped in horror as to what just had happened, two members of the most popular girl group had just been tossed lunch at by a couple of nobodies, now that was a sight to be seen.

Irene and Jennie had yet to register what had happened, Jisoo and Seulgi can be seen sitting up on the floor imitating the famous painting 'The Scream' while Wendy who was about to escape and abandon her friends, bumped into a certain Joy Park when she turned around and accidentally dumped her lunch at her, now it was the three of them who were imitating 'The Scream'.

Not a second later the three who were dumped lunch at screamed in anger startling the unlucky trio. "YAH!" Irene, Jennie, and Joy glared and shouted at Seulgi, Jisoo, and Wendy who were still imitating 'The Scream'. The unlucky trio immediately jumped out of their stupor upon hearing the screams and magically pulled handkerchiefs out of their sleeves(a trick they learned from one of their vacations spent together) and began wiping away the mess they had done upon the persons they accidentally dumped their lunches at while apologizing incoherently. "[Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!]ENGLISH" Wendy said to Joy. "[I'm so sorry]ENGLISH" Jisoo said to Jennie. "[Sorry, sorry, sorry...]ENGLISH" Seulgi said to Irene. A minute hadn't passed when the trio tried to clean up the mess they've done when they were pushed away by the persons they were attending to.

"Yah! You think that wiping away the mess you've created and by apologizing verbally would be enough for us to forgive you fools?" Irene said towards the trio who were currently gathered together cutely quivering in fear. Seeing as the trio were being cute, Jennie, Irene, and Joy's angered heart strangely softened. "We'll let this one slide, seeing that you guys are new and clueless as to how things work here." Joy said towards the trio. "We'll give you mercy. Since you're new here, no one must've owned you yet... Give me your numbers." Joy demanded to which the trio immediately pulled out Black calling cards with gold outlines which only had their names and numbers on and gave it all to Joy, to which she gave Irene, Seulgi's calling card, and Jennie, Jisoo's calling card. "Starting today you three are owned by us. Got that? Now Scram!" Joy said and without a delay, the trio immediately ran out of the canteen as if their lives are depending on it. Seeing as the drama was over the silent canteen once again was filled with noise with a new gossip. Jennie, Irene, and Joy left the group and went to their lockers to shower and change into another set of uniforms they kept as extra.


"What did we just do, 5 months of avoiding all for nothing... We're ruined I tell you, ruined! Now we have no choice but to become errand girls for those pretty girls..." Wendy said dramatically while Jisoo and Seulgi were watching her with a gloomy aura surrounding them. As soon as that tall pretty girl told them to scram the three of them went to their base, the rooftop, and began sulking while Wendy was doing some kind of dramatic monologue over what had happened.

"Okay listen up!" Wendy said as she snapped out of her dramatic stupor. "In order to survive the three of us must follow what they say, when they call for us, we must drop down whatever we're doing and head to their call and never do something that would embarrass them. You hear me?! Those girls were so pretty, I bet they're part of the top most popular students here. I feel like if we do something wrong to them then we'd become social outcasts." Wendy said while being back to her dramatic self. "You guys were already social outcasts to begin with..." "We were already social outcasts to begin with..." Jisoo and Seulgi thought respectively. "We could always transfer to another school..." Seulgi suggested weakly. "And run away?! We were not raised to run away from our problems Seul. What would our parents think if they found out that we transferred schools just to run away from our problems? They'd be very disappointed in us." Wendy said to which Seulgi reluctantly accepted. "Well I guess we have no choice but to accept our fates at least they're pretty. Hopefully they won't ask us outrageous things." Jisoo said. "I hope they won't take away my pringles..." Seulgi said.

The bell rang indicating that lunch had ended. The trio went down back to their classroom sadly with empty stomachs. Classes resumed while the trio kept on disturbing their classes with rumbling stomachs to which their classmates and teacher found pitiful so the three were offered snacks by the class while the teacher just let them eat.

To be continued...

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