Ava Cobalt

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Her name is Ava. Yes, she had a last name, but she chose not to think about that. Her purpose? To help Matt, Woods, Sam, and Bailey as best as she could. Since 2019 she had been doing her best, but recent events have forced her to show her face. Something she hadn't done since Syntec had shut down.

[Ava's Hideout, After Matt Destroyed the Server]

Ava: Damn it, Matt. Now you just made my job a whole hell of a lot harder.

She sighed, then turned off her computer. She had been able to see what they had been doing with that server. Along with watching the videos, they had given her so much information. She scowled. Benjamin Cobalt was locked away. Deborah [Redacted] had been disconnected. And Ava was stuck. Ava leaned back in her chair, trying to decide what to do. She made her choice. She stood up and left. 

Outside, she looked back at her hideout. It was an abandoned, old house, practically next to Benjamin's RV. Risky move? Yeah. Had it paid off? Sorta. At least she was close enough to get into it and steal some serum. She slid into the RV, not worrying about being seen, but doing it naturally. She grabbed as much serum as she could carry and returned to her hideout. She went into the kitchen and set it all down on the table. She sighed.

God, I hate doing this.

She went to her desk and opened the drawer. She took out her injection gun. It looked like Benjamin's (she stole his idea), but it had the 863 logo on it instead. She went back to the table and sat down. She filled up the gun, took a breath...and injected herself. She bit her lip to keep from screaming in pain. She finished, panting. She took a moment, then did it again. And again. And again, until all the serum she had collected was empty.

Ava, panting: Damn that hurts a lot.

She swallowed, then slowly put everything away. Her arm ached, but at least no one else would be able to use it. Not that she needed it.

Dummy, don't think about that stuff.

She mentally smacked herself, then sat down in her desk chair. She turned on her light and looked at her arm. How bad was the bruising? That was a lot of serum she injected.

Not bad. Could be better, but not bad.

She then got up and started packing up everything she could. Her computer, notes, clothes, injection gun, the picture. She paused on that one. Did she want that picture? The main people of Syntec. Nelson Syphus, Wesley Nathanial, Deborah [Redacted], and Benjamin Cobalt. A scowl crept onto her face. Two of these people were technically her parents. But...she had been made in a test tube. She had been an experiment.

Although...she was grateful that her experiment had been successful. She took the picture and stuffed it in her backpack. She grabbed a couple of other things, then headed to the RV. She rummaged through and found more serums. She took them too.

Anything else helpful?  She looked a little more. Damn it. Of course not! It's you, Ava!  She sighed, slugged her backpack over her shoulder, and headed toward where all the old cars were parked. She pulled the cover off of one, revealing a Mercury Mountaineer. Red. She gave a small smile, then pulled out her key and unlocked it. She tossed her backpack into the passenger seat. She pulled out her phone and started the car. While letting the engine wake up, she began texting.

Ava: I'm a friend. Meet me in your courtyard in 30 minutes. See you there, Matthias -Project 863

Matt: Who are you?

Ava: A friend. Trust me on that. I'll explain when I get there. Oh, and please. No cameras.

Ava turned off her phone, pulled her hood, and masked up. She wasn't a phantom. But she didn't want her face to be known. Not yet. Besides, this made it harder for them to judge her. She put the car in reverse and headed for Spellbound Studios.

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