6 Years, 2011

214 4 0

[November 2011, A Serum Injection Table]

Ava was now six years old. She had gotten a reputation for wandering around the Location and biting people when getting injected. She was also prone to running into Benjamin Cobalt. Everyone didn't know what to make of her. She was like an adult in a child's body, and yet she was still a child.

Ava lay on the table, Lacy still by her head, but one thing was a bit different. Ava was gagged. It prevented biting. It wasn't Ava's fault, and Lacy knew that. But it didn't change anything. Lacy looked over at Deb, who was taking notes today, instead of injecting. Lacy then looked at the table of serum, counting. Before anything could be started, Lacy stepped over to talk to Deb.

Lacy: Five, Deb?

Deb nodded.

Deb: Nelson's orders.

Lacy: Shit.

Deb: I know.

Lacy went over to Ava, gently stroking her forehead. Ava tried to give Lacy a comforting look.

[After The Injections]

Ava was sitting up, tears streaming down her face. Damn, that hurt. Ava was cradling her arm. Deb gently touched it, and Ava slowly straightened it, wincing. It was all bruised and swollen.

Deb: Scale of 1-10?

Ava, grimacing: Seven.

Deb wrote it down.

Deb: At the injection site itself?

Ava: Yes.

They both turned their heads to the sound of footsteps. It was Nelson.

Nelson: So, how's it going?

Deb: Poorly. Her arm hurts, not just at the injection site. She is also not eating. She hasn't eaten in two days, since we started the five injections at once. Also, she's starting to show signs of radiation. As of now, her six-year-old body is holding about a quarter of the maximum amount of serum in an adult person. She's a quarter of Benjamin's age, Nelson. That means, if she was his age right now, she would be holding the most amount of serum recorded. And you saw the effects of that.

Nelson and Deb turned their gaze to where Benjamin was standing. When he realized Ava was his child, and she was being tested, he started watching the tests and injections done on her. That was two years ago.

Deb: Nelson, she can't take much more.

Ava felt a surge of pain and screamed.

Nelson glanced at her. Then turned his focus back to Deb.

Nelson: One more injection. Six.

Deb's jaw dropped. Benjamin came into the room.

Benjamin: Nelson.

Ava's heart monitor began beeping wildly. Deb raced over.

Deb: We're going to need to get her a sedative unless we want to lose her, Nelson.

Nelson: Do it.

Benjamin stepped away from the action and into his nook to watch. After several minutes passed, the beeping slowed to normal. Deb looked up at Nelson.

Deb: Sir, I think that is enough evidence to say that five is too many. Six would most likely kill her.

Nelson: Fine.

Ava Cobalt [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now