Chapter 5

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Aarav's POV:

We were close...

Dangerously close...

My strong hold on her waist and hers on my shoulder...noses brushed while my bloodshot eyes darted on her big popcorn ones

Her soft bossoms under the thin cotton fabric was being crushed by my hard chest while my abdomen was feeling those numerous pits in her stomach

While the heat of our stuck bodies was getting transferred to each other igniting the fire of some unknown desires the mere cotton fabric on her body was getting burnt

Our breathing rate went dangerously unstable that we were huffing on each other's lips and breathes were meddled...through our parted lips we were inhaling each other's hot breath into our lungs that was adding every possible fuel to our burning bodies and could explode the inner volcano at any moment of time

And speaking about hearts they were on urge of  coming out of our chests and colliding with each other like two raged bulls

Under the absolute silence, our hearts were beating in audible sync trying to convey some loud feelings

Pressing her palms on my shoulder she tried to push me but I was adamant

Pressing my fingers more into her waist I left a smooth seductive squeeze while I noticed her eyelids slowly sinking down  feeling my rough  fingers on her soft flesh through the fabric

Yes, she felt that...

A naughty smirk rose up my lips while lifting her long black eyelashes she muttered under her breath  "Aaaravvvv"

Never in my life, I felt my name being so hot from her bitter mouth

It was like a miracle to me...

Ever heard of squeezing out honey drops from bitter gourd

No right

But I did it...

Her sensual whisper and the soft plea in her eyes provoked me more

With my fingers still teasing her waist I pressed my chest more into bossoms  and our lips came so intimate that there was not even a mere half-inch gap

Just a tiny little movement of breath our lips could brush softly

With the beautiful night sky airglow peeping through the window, we had an intense eye lock...

With the blue skylight falling her on face she glowed like a dazzling moon and her almond-shaped onyx black eyes with long lashes twinkled like stars while the tiny pearl-like  black bindi between her thick eyebrows was cherry on top

The shiny white stone on her little nose emphasized itself between those rose-pink cheeks

But the most tempting portion was her caramel pulpy lips that were quivering with my breath

😇: Caramel deserts are always your favourite

Further my eyes balls noticed her throat where a thick lump of saliva was being gulped which resulted in the minor movement of her delicate gold chain around her sleek neck

The broad round-necked salwar was giving me a full view of her creamy white skin while my eyes scanned something that was so so sexy

Her beauty spot...

A tiny miny hot black mole on her right chest


The way it was going in and out every time she breathe it was triggering my wildest desires

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