Chapter 37

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Deep's POV:

The voice boomed "Deepu"

And that's it...

The dam of my heart broke down and I just ran to the person and engulfing myself in his warm protective arms I sobbed like a baby

He was the man under whose shadow Arjun and Aarav grew up as my sweethearts

My Mama

"Arey mera baccha...You know na I can't see my babies crying" saying he pulled my head out of his frame while my hands were still around his waist...cupping my face he wiped my tears "Tears won't suit my baby...only smiles do" he added moving the hair off my face and kissed my forehead

"Mama I don't want to stay here...take me with you" scrunching my nose I complained for which he circled his hand around my shoulder "we'll go baccha...but first let's have some fresh air"

He opened the back door and we walked to the backyard while Daddy left us alone as he knew only Mama could calm me down

We sat on the cement slab with one of his caressing my hair while the other one on my back and my head pressed to his chest with hands around his waist

We sat on the cement slab with one of his caressing my hair while the other one on my back and my head pressed to his chest with hands around his waist

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He embraced me for a brief period of time while I locked my eyes at the moon

"Why is growing up so difficult Mama??"

"Who said it's difficult??"

I backed off his chest and complained "No one said but everyone's actions are making me feel it...just because I am growing up I am not allowed to hang out with Arjun and Aarav...not allowed to see to them...initially everyone said don't play with only with Aarav...take him wherever you go...don't leave his hand and now all of sudden they ask me not to talk and meet him...why Mama...because I'll get pimples as Dadi said...I am ok with it...If being with them gives pimples on my face then I don't mind getting it all over my body because more than my face Arjun and Aarav are important to bond with them is precious...their existence to me is priceless"

I paused and confessed

"And if growing up refers to breaking my ties with them I don't want to grow up"

His lips curved up with a slight smile while he took both my hands in his

"Growing up involves changes in  body not emotions"

"Exactly Mama...just because I am bleeding and some of my body parts are growing...out of blue I can not behave like a stranger to them...they are my friends Mama...we eat together and now because of this sudden 'grown up' thing I can't stop doing all my favourite things...I can not act as if it is a play"

"Who told you to act Deepu?? There's no need to act or show yourself the way you aren't...this 'grown up' thing is as natural as your bond with Arjun Aarav"

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