Chapter 22

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Aarav's POV:

It was Bhai's birthday and Bhabhi had planned a surprise for him...

We were working our assess off to make it memorable for him as Bhai had never celebrated his birthday before and Bhabhi wanted to make it super special for him...

Once we were done with all the arrangements we headed to our respective rooms to deck up in blue attires as the theme was the Arabian Nights...

Wearing a sky blue shirt with denim jeans and complementing my handsome face with gelled hair I looked dashing as always...

Glancing my face for the last time in the mirror I left the room and began heading towards the stairs and that's when I got a call from Raghav Bhai

As I was strolling toward the stairs talking to him I heard the sharp and strong heel sound behind me and when I turned I was gone...

Though the climate was cool because of the rain and the wind was flowing with a full swing I lost my breath and my mouth parted voluntarily

It felt like someone had absorbed all the oxygen from the air and I was wiggling like an arid succumbing leaf

My lungs went dry and were begging for a tiny amount of oxygen to keep me alive but seem like my witch was fully prepared to kill me with her ravishing beauty

I don't know what Raghav Bhai kept screaming on the phone call...all I know was... wearing a boat-necked royal blue gown my witch was wandering in the corridor struggling with the neckpiece around her slender white neck   

But as usual, my eyeballs were shamelessly all focused on those caramel plump lips that were pouted out very sensually...

😇: Wanna have caramel desert

I would love to

😈: Wanna have a hot slap or how about a kick on your bum

Shut up and go cover your treasure first

😈: You cover your mouth first or else the floor will soon be a swimming pool of your drool

😇: Isn't she looking pretty??

A pretty princess indeed

😈: But you are nowhere a Prince

I ignored the naked cartoon and kept enjoying the most beautiful sight I had ever seen

While I was fallen for the beauty in blue and drifted off to my dreamland I felt a pair of fingers snapping in front of my eyes and a scream "AD"

But no wonder why her scream felt like a moan escaping her mouth triggering a lump of some unknown feeling within my heart 

"AD...where are you lost??" I heard her again and a series of words escaped my mouth "In your breathtaking beauty"

And a solid bite attacked on my palm "Aahhh" and that's when I was back to the reality "Oo hello Mr Deaf I am talking to you" and I just shrugged off

"Your phone" saying she showed my phone that was in her hand and I was thinking how did it go to her hand...

😈: It got legs or I think wings too

"You were about to drop your phone but I was quick enough to catch it...what's wrong with you??" She frowned while I just smiled and put my phone into the pant pockets...

I extended my hand to her while in no time she put the neckpiece in my hand and swirled around and that's when I noticed her bum length hair was tied into something that looked like a big Autorikshaw horn

Pressing the horn-like structure  I chuckled "Will it make a horn sound when I press it like this??" and she elbowed my stomach while pressing it again I  made funny sounds "Pom Pom" and she groaned turning at me "You are ruining my took me an hour to tie it correctly" saying she grabbed my throat and pinned me to the wall and blowing air out of her lips she tossed that thick hair lock back to her scalp she demanded a sorry with the  frown again while the tiny miny hot breath lightly fanned my lips and a sudden cold shiver ran down my spine and I put my tongue out in response

And the next second her fingers attacked my hair and in no time my head was turned into a birds nest... the neckpiece was snatched from my hand and she was about to leave but I held her wrist and pulled her back against my chest but

At a safe distance

Because I knew my limits

"Sorry Baba" I said and passing the neckpiece she answered back "Make it fast AD...Arjun might come at any moment of time"

Carefully I tied the neckpiece making sure my fingers won't brush her skin unnecessarily and all that while I mentally kept praying not to allow those cartoons to attack me again

"It's done"

"Ha chalo let's go" saying she swirled and held my wrist she was about to drag me but then she stopped

I noticed her expression changed and I arched my brows for which she moved her hands to my head and her fingers began setting my hair

She kept babbling something about the decorations while I kept admiring her beauty...

The thick hair lock was again bouncing on her cheek...her thick brows scrunching into cute shapes when she raised them in excitement and sometimes annoyance...her bewitching orbs lined with thick kajal made her look even more breathtaking and the way her beautiful black eyeballs kept moving left and right I felt like the twinkling stars itself were dancing on her tune while I had a butterfly happy dance in my heart

And most importantly her lips...

The golden-brown lipstick intensified the taste of caramel-like lips and the way her lips made a movement when words were coming out her mouth was damn enticing that my heart skipped multiple beats and a strong urge to have the caramel dessert began poking me

She was so close to me and I felt something wrong with me so abruptly I moved her back by her shoulders and before she could react I said at once "We must leave" and she simply nodded with an 'ok' look


Everything went according to Bhabhi's plan and Bhai was literally on cloud nine...

While the video where Bhai's childhood photos were being displayed I felt a pinch on my waist and when I snapped my head sideways there was my witch flashing her Dracula teeth and when I gave her a look pulling my forearm she bent my head to her level and covering her mouth she whispered in my ear shamelessly "You used to cry when Saru Mami would make you wear clothes remember AD...then I used to tease you...Shame Shame pappi shame"

And she began laughing holding her stomach while I whispered in her ear "Wanna see me in that look??" and next I knew was the foam spray  sprayed on my face and a loud laughter bursts out "This look suits you more AD"

And when I cleared my face I saw my whole family laughing like mads witnessing our Tom n Jerry fights and when I shifted my gaze there was my witch giggling making finger horns on her head and putting her tongue out teasing the hell out of me

And only my sweetheart Bhabhi came up to help me with the tissue and asked me to wash my face while I shot a glare at the witch with duplicate horns and headed towards my room

I knew how to take my revenge and my evil brains began doing their work while I came down to the celebration area and my face fell witnessing the scene in front of me...

Deep was dancing with Rohan...

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