Chapter 12

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Aarav's POV:

After so long we were that close...

Her back sloping against my protective arm around her...her head resting on my shoulder felt so serene

The warmth of my body meddling with hers was something that felt so pure to me

Under the absolute silence, our heartbeats were beating in sync while our intense eye lock had their own conversation...

Those black eyes are the most purest ones I have ever seen in my life...

Those onyx black eyes hold up some kind of magic...the magic that once drizzled on my heart and I would be a slave to her...

And after a long 6 years, I was experiencing the same magic

With different lights, those orbs change their shade...when they are deep they are as strong as a morning glow and when they are a little light they are as tender as cherry blossom
and I would just keep gawking at those beautiful black balls like they are my priceless possession...

We just kept looking into each other's eyes as if that was our only world

And more than our words our teary eyes and the silence conveyed our pain...

More than the pain that we have had hurt each other...the pain of losing something that we valued the most was killing us...

We had lost the sweetness of our relationship and now there were only the piles of bitterness

We had lost the LOVE in our relationship...

A lone tear escaped her eyes and rolled down her cheek

While she was wrapped with my arm I freed my other hand that was still holding her wounded one and moving it close to her cheek I wiped off the pearl softly while her unwounded  hand travelled up to my shirt and got fisted in her baby palm

While I leaned my forehead against her our noses brushed...our eyes poured silent tears and heartbeat became one...

That moment we shared was a pure paradise that we cherished to our heart content

Just give me one chance Deep...I'll bear the pain with you...give US a chance...give our LOVE a chance...give our LOVE a way to live Deep...

My heart moaned while I felt her throat that had turned dry hoarse and painful made a pitiful cry as if she was totally exhausted...

Straightening my head I looked at her pale face and wiped off her tears...

While I was about to extend my hand to get the glass of water kept on the side table I felt a squeeze on my shirt and our eyes met again...

Placing my palm over her cheek I just blinked...

That one blink meant...I am not going anywhere Baby...Hmm

But as I said more than our words our eyes did the talking she got the meaning behind my blink and she was relaxed but didn't leave my shirt...

Somehow I extended my hand and got the glass...I made her gulp a glass of water and pulled the duvet off her legs...

While she wrapped her left hand around my neck I picked her up in my arms and walked to the washroom...

I placed her down in front of the washbasin and I stood behind her...

She was about to loosen the tap but then a thought triggered me and I stopped her showing my hand through the mirror...

Standing next to her I made her bend down and splashed water on her face...wiped her face with the towel and brought her back to the bed again in my arms...

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