Chapter 24

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Aarav's POV:

"Just a little tired" I said and her grip on my forearm tightened while she scooped more into my shoulder and her silky black lush was cuddling the nape of my neck while her deep relaxed breath fanned my chest...

I don't know how her simple gesture brought some kind of relaxation to my burning heart and voluntarily my head bowed a little and rested against her

There was a peaceful silence for a brief period of time and I didn't want to ruin my sanity by blurting out what I had in my heart...

I didn't want us to go back to the same track of trust issues...rather I would wait until she speaks up on her own

Her presence next to me was the only thing I craved for the past 6 years and I didn't want to lose her at any cost...

So I just stayed in the moment rejoicing the soothing silence

After a while as one of her hands was still laced against mine stretching  her other hand she rested her fluffy palm over my cheek and softly asked
"Shall I massage your head" while I took her hand off my cheek and left a tender kiss on the back of her palm and held it close to my chest where my heart was beating calmly with the rhythm of her blissful presence

"Rohan is a nice guy na AD" and that exact second my hold on her hand loosened and it slid down from my chest to thigh...

Abruptly my body stiffened and my head straightened from hers while she went on talking "I discussed with him about the redevelopment plans of our ancestral cottage into a potable dance school"

"Ancestor cottage?? Dance school?? didn't tell me anything" I tried hard to maintain my cool and compose my words in a smooth way

Backing off her head she looked at me "Daddy said instead of searching for a new place anyhow our ancestor cottage is vacant so why can't I redevelop it into a place where I can educate kids about our traditional dance culture and its I was looking for an architect who could redevelop it and today at the party we happened to meet and talk about our profession and that's when we discussed about it...I asked him whether he could do it and what will he charge for the much will be the overall budget for the redevelopment so that I can apply for a loan of that amount and once it is ready I'll be paying rent of that place to Daddy because you know na I don't like spoon-feeding...I want to do it on my own"

She paused for a second and added further "establishing my own dance school is my dream AD"

But I was pissed off

Jerking off her hand unexpectedly I stood up and almost yelled "And you didn't find it necessary to tell me"

"No AD it's not-

She got up to explain but my hand stopped her mouth

"You can go to a stranger and discuss all your plans but you can't give me the slightest hint about it...right???

Why Deep???

Why did you to go him???

Was I dead???"

"AD sto-

She screeched but my anger was on another level

"You could have told me once...I would have helped you within seconds...

But found a stranger more efficient than me...right??

"No AD it's no-

"Then why didn't tell me???

Am I that incapable???

Oh yes, now I get it...

You still think I am a Dumb who couldn't even tell 2's table right???

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