Chapter 29

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Deep's POV :

I felt my breath as calm as sea and as cool as a breeze...

A faint chirping of those tiny birds began jingling my ears while the golden beams of the rising sun peeking the white clouds embarked through the window and slowly fondled my face...

I curled my face only to feel some weight on my chest followed by my stomach and a heavy rod-like structure on my legs...

Though I was crushed under the weight I loved that feeling so much that it didn't let me open my eyes and feel more of its soothing sensation...

There was some soft and calm air on my chest...but that air felt a little heavy but then it was something that I wanted to feel more...some kind of weight on my chest that I was loving so much and voluntarily I moved my arms towards my chest and pulled that weight more into my chest...

And the spicy hot cinnamon of that cute creature on my chest refreshed my nostrils ...but my lungs weren't satisfied with the small wanted more and for yet another time I voluntarily pulled that cute creature more and more into my breast while his stubble tickled the exposed area of my chest and I filled every nook of my lungs with his enticing scent...

Next, the cute creature wiggled on my stomach and I could feel his carved abs pressed into my almost bare belly giving wings to zillions of butterflies over there while his warm hands hugged my bare waist so tightly that his possessive marks imprinted my skin

"Ummmmm" a deep husky moan escaped his mouth as he flipped his face avoiding the sun rays disturbing my Prince Charming's sleep and stuffed himself more into me while my fingers began playing with his messy hair locks while a pleasant smile crinkled on both our faces...

Such a heavenly feeling it was...

My big baby sleeping cuddling into me like a furr ball with his head tucked under my chin and his hot yet calm breath on my chest was drifting me to some fairyland

None of us wished to open our eyes as we didn't want our moment to end...

We lived the beautiful moment in each other's embrace for a little more while

"We need to wake up" I whispered still playing with his hair and that's when with his closed eyes he raised his head from my chest whispering on my lips "Wake up then...who stopped you"

And with that 'YOU' his lips lightly brushed mine while my breath hitched and without my knowledge my palms balled his shirt at his shoulders

He was breathing on my lips and I was shuddering like a dead leaf...

This beast of a baby was lying on me and asking me so innocently who stopped me...


"Move AD" I managed to speak out while he just hummed and pressed his chest more into my breast giving a big bonanza pack of goosebumps and to add on was his sexy tone "Shall I move more??"

I could feel that smirk on his lips and my lips almost begged him "Please AD"

"Open your eyes and talk sweetheart"

God...this boy

He knows that his playful eyes intimidate me and he was purposely doing that...

But I had no option...

Slowly I opened my eyes and his sleepy yet hypnotic brown oceanic orbs met my poor ones and I was gone again...

That jest in his eyes was something I couldn't resist and ended up with my cheeks turning into the dark shades of pink...

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