Chapter 22

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The rest of your time at UA was a lot of the same. It also seemed that Bakugo may have been right about your quirk, because within a few months both of your sexual peaks died down. The graduation night involved the entirety of the class having a drunken party, and that included Bakugo.

After graduation you and Bakugo kept sleeping together for a few months but hero work soon came between you both. You'd been put on different squads and Bakugo threw himself in head first into his work. He wanted to be the number one hero, and he'd be damned if he didn't try his best to get there.

It had been quite a few years since you parted ways, even your texts between one another had stopped. The only times you ever saw one another was if you bumped into each other on missions, saw one another on TV or were in the same interview.

When together, you both acted like nothing had happened at all. Nothing resumed either, not the sex or the rivalry. You'd both grown up and kept things professional. It was almost like what had happened in UA was a distant dream.

Regardless of the fact that you and Bakugo had grown apart, you couldn't bring yourself to date or even sleep with anyone else. You didn't know why, but you had absolutely no interest in anyone.

A good thing came from being so independent and focused on yourself, you'd actually made some friends. Namely Avalon and Ruby. Avalon had even grown to be a close friend of yours, and roommate, while Ruby had piqued Shinso's interest. That in and of itself was hard to do.

And something you couldn't quite understand, is why Bakugo's fangirls made your blood boil. He had a lot of them and some basically threw themselves at him. But what you didn't know, was Bakugo had the same thought process in regards to you and your fanboys.

Due to the attention you had been receiving recently, a lot of modeling agencies reached out to you. It was obvious that they wanted to capitalise off your growing popularity.

"I think it'll be good."
Avalon smiled at you.

"You would say that, you're a model."
You sighed and sipped your coffee.

"Modeling can be fun! And besides, with your fanboys it'll probably increase your popularity tenfold."

"You really think so?"

"Absolutely! Especially if you do lingerie shoots."

You nearly spat your coffee out.
"Excuse me?"

"They're not as bad as they sound! I actually have one lined up next month."

"I'll take your word for it."

"They're actually looking for another girl for the shoot."

"I don't think lingerie is my thing."

"It might be when you find out that two pro heros are supposed to be in the shoot, one for each girl. Todoroki is one but he refuses to tell me who the other is."
She blushed a little.

"Todoroki huh?"
You smirked at her.
"I bet you're happy about that."

"Very much so. But aren't you interested in who the other is?"

You tilted your head in thought.
"I'll admit, it's piqued my interest."

"So, should I let my agent know you're interested? She'll be more than happy to manage you too, and take your pro hero work into consideration when lining up shoots."

"You know what? Sure."
You sipped your coffee.
"Couldn't hurt right?"

"Awesome! I'll send her a text right now."
Avalon quickly pulled out her phone.

It was quite nice to have such a nice friend, and she was the opposite of you. She had a water based quirk, one she affectionately called Mermaid. She was nice, sweet and calm. Her quirk had physical aspects too, just like yours. She had pale blue skin that had some scales over it, as well as pointy webbed ears.

Todoroki had taken an almost instant like to her too, since that day they met on the beach. You were happy for them both, especially Todoroki because he seemed to open up around her and even smile.

"So, how are things between you and Todoroki then?"
You smiled at her.

She instantly blushed and it was easy to see, the bright red contrasted against her blue skin.
"They're going slow, but I'm happy. He's so sweet!"
You put your feet up on the couch to listen to her properly.
"He's so attentive and really gentle."
She seemed so happy when she talked.
"He gets this really cute smile on his face and look in his eyes when I sing, and told me he could just listen to me for hours."

"He's always been sweet."
You smiled at her.
"But I've never seen him smile as much as he does when he's around you."


A/N: Avalon is going to be the Y/N in another fanfic, but for now this is what she looks like.

A/N: Avalon is going to be the Y/N in another fanfic, but for now this is what she looks like

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