Chapter 24

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You sat down where you were told, right next to Bakugo. After you sat down, your heightened senses instantly picked up his smell. It made you feel a little dizzy, he still smelt sweet like caramel, you didn't know how you were going to cope with the shoot.

Bakugo was sat next to you with his arms folded. He had his usual angry scowl on his face.

"So, last minute change huh?"
You looked over at him with a small smile.

He grunted.
"Couldn't let that damn Deku have his hands all over you."
He had a small smirk on his face.

"You signed up for a lingerie shoot because of Deku?"

"Because of you."
He looked over at you with soft eyes.

You were about to say something else, but you were called to start the shoot. At first it was all four of you modeling the sets, then you and Avalon modeling your Dynamight and Shoto sets, followed by Todoroki and Bakugo modeling their respective sets. After that it was time for Avalon and Todoroki to do theirs.

The photographers were loving it. Everyone had heard the rumours that Todoroki was with someone, and the way they interacted during the shoot only confirmed it. It came so natural to them both, gentle and sensual touches filled with raw emotion. It also gave you and Bakugo chance to talk.

"What you said before, what did you mean by me?"

"Like I said, I wasn't going to let Deku have his hands on you."
He grunted.

"Bakugo, it's just a lingerie shoot."

Bakugo turned to look a you, but didn't say anything. He was never really that good at explaining why he did things. And if he didn't want to tell anyone, there was nothing that would make him tell someone. So you decided not to push it, even though you really wanted to know what was going on inside his head.

It wasn't much longer before you and Bakugo were called up to do your part of the shoot. At first it started off normal, somewhat similar to how Avalon and Todoroki's went. But then Bakugo decided to up the spice, and you happily obliged.

It started off by him placing a hand on your hip and one on your throat to tilt your head up. And when he looked down into your eyes, your heart skipped. You lifted one arm up to wrap it round the back of his neck, and leaned back against him. You heard his heart speed up too.

The photographers were eating it up and completely let you both do your own thing. You both kept extremely close to each other, your hot bodies barely breaking apart for the entire shoot.

He tried to touch you wherever he could get his hands on. More than once his lips ghosted your skin, making you shiver and giving the photographers perfect photo opportunities.

The last pose is what really sent the photographers into a frenzy. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you against his chest and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He leaned you back and his lips ghosted yours, both of your hearts were racing.

You were so focused on being wrapped up in his arms, you almost didn't hear the cameras stop clicking. You could feel his hot breath on your face, you had to fight every single instinct within yourself that was telling you to kiss him.

"You guys are amazing!"
Your agent walked over to you with a smile.
"Your chemistry is off the charts!"

You and Bakugo slowly retreated from one another and you were both handed your robes. Your senses were heightened, that one specific time of the year was coming for you so you could easily smell Bakugo's arousal. He was turned on just from doing that to you.

Bakugo was right back in UA, once a year the wolf aspect of your quirk acts out and it was the reason Bakugo suddenly turned hyper sexual in UA. It was also the reason that you got territorial over him in UA, and why you wanted to mark each other repeatedly.

Once a year the wolf part of your quirk effectively makes you go into heat, just without the breeding part. You also give off pheromones that make your partner want you more than they usually would.

You'd figured it out when your sexual appetite suddenly died down, but spiked at the same time the following year. You made sure to tell Bakugo about it, but at the time he didn't care. But he was smug that he was right. And from the way he just acted, it seems like he still didn't.

The faster your heart raced and the longer you were around him, the more your quirk acted up. You had to get back to the changing room and get away. So you quickly headed there.

Once you got there, you pressed your back against the wall and tried to calm down. You slowly managed to be able to steady your breathing to calm yourself down.

Once you'd managed to calm down and change your clothes, you headed back out and were informed you could keep the lingerie set. You headed back to your car on your own, Avalon was going with Todoroki.

After you sat down in your car, you spotted Bakugo sitting down on his motorbike. His muscles were more filled out than the last time you saw him, even his back looked amazing.

You took a deep breath and started up your car, you had to head home and calm down. Maybe even go for a drink or two.

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