Being reborn in another world

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I will finally meet you again, my brothers...


The shockwave from the explosion and the gust of hot wind sent me flying for a good 6 yards before impacting the wreck of a Siren ship and went down under the waves.

Ahh, I can finally rest now...

The days of hiding were no more...

The days of continuously fighting for weeks were no more...

I can finally stop now...

After a while, I finally touched the sea floor. But then, an uneasy feeling started to appear.

What is this feeling?...

Something's wrong, I can feel it...

Suddenly, yellow light started to appear from the ground below me. I knew for sure, every time those yellow lights appears, I will be transported somewhere. The last time it appeared, I was transported from the Pacific to the Artic and was nearly assimilated. I somehow managed to escape back then. But now, in this state, I will have zero chance of escaping.

So this is my fate huh...

Sorry everyone, I'm becoming the thing we swore to destroy...

The light became brighter...And brighter... And brighter. Then, everything turned black.


I opened my eyes.

I've turned into a Siren?...

No, it doesn't feel like it...

I stood up and looked around.

Where is this place?...

The water here wasn't cold so it was definitely not the Artic. The sky was full of black clouds, blocking a large portion of sunlight. As a result, the whole area was very dark. In a way, this reminded me of the battle before I came here.

I still can't escape the battlefield after all...

Then, I took a look at my equipments.

That's weird...

All of the damages I received before were now completely gone, the flight deck no longer had any cracks, all of my gun turrets were operational again, both of my metal arm sleeves were back and my bow was completely fixed.

How about the systems?...

I activated my HUD display and check the systems.

Shields at 100%, power supply 100%, structural integrity 100%...

I can finally fight at my full power...

I let out a sigh of relief.

So now, what do I do?...

I checked my radar for nearby islands and enemy Sirens.

No enemy, an island straight ahead, 2 miles...

I deactivated my riggings and used my ship form to sail.

Move forward full speed...

The ship started to move and in no time, reached its maximum speed of 33 knots. I lied down on the deck and due to the fatigue from before, quickly fell asleep.

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