Gaining a new and unusual base

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It's already been a few days since they got into their new fleet, reach their deployment area for their first operation which is the re-taking of Iwo Jima. Recently the Abyssals have made another Princess there to better co-ordinate forces in that region. So, before it becomes a serious threat to them Hi-comm decided to launch an attack now with what they had.

The Iwo Jima princess was already prepared for this moment where she was being invaded, so she called what forces she could to defend her with reinforcements not going to make it in time for the coming battle. Her defenses were strong on paper but being recently made had some downsides for her since 1. She never sortied any fleets yet 2. She does not know how to organize formations, and lastly, her defensive works aren't fully completed.

Iwo Jima by this point was the fleet's flagship, but the overall command of the task force fell to Ryuujou since she was more experienced.

Ryuujou: "すべてのキャリアは、最初の攻撃波を開始します。" (All carriers, launch the first attack wave.)

They all launched their first wave which would've been quite small, if not for Iwo Jima since they mostly consist of light carriers as the fleet carriers were elsewhere. All the carriers present apart from the ones from Nagasaki were 1. Surprised to see an American fleet carrier among them 2. She is carrying a bow which they were not used to seeing. Before the second war commenced, they were used to seeing them with a gun.

The princess on the other hand already has her fighters up ready to greet them, with her strike on its way to hit them. The carrier's first wave was pounding her with all types of ordnance, despite her defenses. They broke through with relative ease and began bombing her and her fleet protecting her. The counterattack was not going well with them being shot down like flies, because of heavy flak and fighter cover. The damage to the princess was not so severe, they decide to launch a second wave that would take out her fleet and almost all the remaining defensive work.

For the princess, when the second wave arrived, she was devastated when the might of the striking force was upon her. She had almost no fighters left, most of her fleet sent to the bottom. Bomb after bomb struck her, she cried in agony not wanting to disappear. She communicated to them she's willing to surrender, they knew she was to be destroyed as with the other abyssal ships. Unsure of what to do they went to discuss this awkward situation. Unbeknownst to them, Iwo Jima has left in secret to discuss in person.

Iwo Jima's POV

I set sail as they were gathering to discuss what to do with her. I soon see her, if anything she's like me but with darker clothing since she's Abyssal. I reach until we're at talking distance, my guess would not be allowed but I'm willing to talk with her.

Iwo: "プリンセス、私は話しに来ました。" (Princess, I've come to talk.)

Kazan (Iwo Jima Princess): "私の降伏条件を決めましたか?" (Have you decided on my terms of surrender?)

Iwo: "No, but I want to talk to you peacefully like friends."

Kazan: "Friends?"

Iwo: "Yes, what I want to talk to you about is you coming over to our side."

Kazan: "Why?"

Iwo: "I heard your cries to be spared from whatever fate you would face, I couldn't help but feel we're the same."

Kazan: "What do you mean?"

Iwo: "Well... I was scrapped which was my fate. I too wanted to be spared from it. Nothing could be done about it, but here I am reborn into this world for a second chance at life. I'm not saying you should accept your fate, but if you have a second chance that you can co-exist with us, just take it." She thinks about it for some time and concludes.

Kazan: "Very well, I shall switch sides."

Iwo: "Ok, I'll go back to them and say you'll surrender, on the condition that you won't be harmed in any way."

Kazan bowing her head: "Thank you."

Iwo: "Don't worry about it." I sail back to my fleet before she asks me.

Kazan: "I want to ask you, why did you know I'm not going to shoot you on approach?"

Iwo: "Well 1. You didn't have any weapons available, and even if you did. I know you're very willing to surrender, and 2. Everyone should have a second chance be it you're on the right page of history or not." I continue my journey back to them.


Back with the fleet, they were worried since she disappeared without a trace, later they saw her on the horizon.

Misaki: "あなたはどこにいた?" (Where have you been?)

Iwo: "さて、私は硫黄島の王女と話していました。" (Well, I was talking with the Iwo Jima princess.)

Misaki: "なに?あなたは私たちがそれらを排除することになっていることを知っています。" (You what? You do know we're supposed to eliminate them.)

Iwo: "私は知っていますが、たとえ彼女が物事の間違った側にいても、彼女は二度目のチャンスに値すると思っていました。" (I know, but I was thinking she deserves a second chance even if she's on the wrong side of things.)

The rest of my fleet overheard this conversation and stepped in.

Akizuki: "しばらくの間彼女を知っているので、彼女は常に演技する前に物事を話し合うタイプです。だから、たとえ王女が敵であったとしても、彼女は演技する前に話すことを信じています。" Knowing her for some time now, she's always the type to talk things through before acting. So even if the princess is the enemy, she still believes in talking before acting.) The rest nod their heads.

Misaki: "よく、彼女は何か条件がありますか?" (Very well, does she have any conditions?)

Iwo: "いいえ、でも持っています。" (No, but I do have one.)

Misaki: "それは?" (That being?)

Iwo: "彼女に害はありません。" (No harm be done to her.)

Misaki: "わかった。" (Ok.) She relays back to command, saying that she was destroyed, and in the process asks for materials to be sent there by her transports, and for it to be her main base to which they agreed to it. She welcomes the Iwo Jima princess over to their side of the war.

Misaki: "硫黄島もあるので、彼女の名前はどうあるべきですか?" (What should her name be since we also have Iwo Jima?) They ponder about it.

Iwo: "カザンはどうですか?" (How about Kazan?)

They nod their heads in agreement. Within several days she's moved our things over, along with many defenses and aircraft. Now, it's the start of a new life with Kazan as their base.

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