A merry Christmas

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Present-day, 4 days before Christmas
Iwo's POV

It's almost Christmas and here I am up in the middle of the night looking at all the things they wanted to get, with the list in hand I placed their cards back where they were and went back to my room. On my way back I saw the lights to the office still on I knock on the door.

Misaki: "お入り下さい。" (Come in.) I open the door seeing both her and Mutsu. "遅くまで何してるの?" (What are you doing up this late?)

Iwo: "本土から購入するもののリストを入手した後、私はベッドに向かっていました、そしてあなたは?" (I was heading to bed after getting my list of things to buy from the mainland, and you?)

Misaki: "夜のために物事を終えて、それからええ、あなたと同じ考えを持っていました。" (Finishing things for the night, and then yeah had the same idea as you.)

Iwo: "では、一緒に行ってみませんか?" (Then how about we go together?)

Misaki: "ええ、大阪の司令官である友達に電話します。" (Yeah, I'll call my friend who's the commander in Osaka.)

She takes out her phone and calls, she said it's okay to stay till Christmas eve. I decided to go out and get my things ready and call my best friend Jintsuu to follow us.


I enter our room she was sleeping on the middle bunk.

Iwo shaking Jintsuu: "起きろ。" (Wake up.) She rolls over to face the wall, I think of another thing, I pulled her blanket from her she started shivering.

Jintsuu: "もう、私は起きています。" (Geez, I'm up.) She woke up sleepily. "それは私たちが訓練することになっている日でもありません。" (It isn't even the day we're supposed to train.)

Iwo: "本土に行きます。" (We're going to the mainland.) She was surprised by it.

Jintsuu: "本当に?" (Really?) I nod my head.

Iwo: "そして、あなたは私たちに同行しています。" (And you're accompanying us.) She got herself dressed and we packed our things, we head out to the pier where she was waiting for us.


Iwo: "司令官、お待たせして申し訳ありません。" (Commander, sorry to keep you waiting.)

Misaki: "心配しないで、さあ行きましょう。" (Don't worry about it, now then let's go.) We head out with her being on JS Maya.

Osaka, 3 days before Christmas
Early morning

After hours of sailing with no contacts, we arrive at Osaka Naval base.

Moeka: "美咲、久しぶりです。" (Misaki, it's been a while.)

Misaki: "久しぶりです。" (It's been a while.) They hugged each other.

Moeka: "それでは、お部屋にお見せします。" (Now then, I'll show you to your rooms.)

Once we found our room we unpacked and rested until dawn when we went to Kyoto. While we were there aside from buying Christmas presents, we also went sightseeing around various places in the city, once night fell, we had a very delicious dinner and bath, before going went to bed.

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