Knowing our flagship personally

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Days before the operation
Jinstuu's POV

It's early in the morning, I woke up and got myself ready for my usual practice which would be kendo training. As I stepped out of the dorm into the winter morning with the snow falling, I could hear a voice singing so beautifully, I followed it to its source.

There at the pier stood Iwo Jima looking towards the ocean.

Jinstuu: "おはようございます。" (Good morning.) She turned towards me surprised that I snuck up on her.

Iwo: "お-おはようございます。" (G-good morning.)

Jinstuu: "怖くてごめんなさい。" (Sorry that I scared you.)

Iwo: "心配しないでください、あなたはこれを早く何をしているのですか?" (Don't worry about it, what are you doing up this early?)

Jinstuu: "トレーニングするつもりでしたが、あなたの美しい声に惹かれました。" (I was going to train but was attracted to your beautiful voice.) She blushed at my comment very hard. "そして、あなたはどうですか?" (And what about you?)

Iwo: "トレーニングが終わったので、歌うことにしました。" (I was done training, so I decided to sing.)

Jinstuu: "よろしければ、私が訓練するのを手伝ってもらえますか?" (If you don't mind, could you help me train?)

Iwo: "もちろん。" (Of course) I brought her to the Dojo that everyone could use. "では、ここではどのようなトレーニングを行っているのでしょうか。" (So, what kind of training are we doing here?)

Jinstuu: "剣道のトレーニングをします。" (We're going to do Kendo training.) I held a Shinai in my hands, her response to this was a complete surprise.

Iwo: "わかりました、それを持ってきてください。" (Ok, bring it on.) Instead of declining as any other carrier would do, she took the Shinai in her hands. "始めましょうか。" (Shall we get started?)

Jinstuu: "はい。" (Yes.)

We got ourselves changed, went to our positions, raised our Shinai, and commenced our fight. After several minutes, I noticed her really putting up a fight like nothing I'd seen, in times where I thought I had no weak spots she somehow always finds one, but thankfully for me I managed to block them in time. As we locked our Shinai's I complimented her.

Jinstuu: "新人のためにあなたの善。" (For a rookie your good.)

Iwo: "ありがとう。" (Thanks.) We pulled away catching our breaths "最後の一撃でこれを解決しませんか?" (Shall we settle this with one last strike?)

Jinstuu: "ええ。" (Yes.) We took our stances and charged at each other. After that we cleaned up, we sat down having the wind blow against us she comes back with 2 drinks in hand. "それは良い試合でしたが、それは私の損失でした。" (That was a good match, but it was my loss.) We shook hands and drank.

Iwo: "あなたも悪くはなかった。" (You weren't bad either.) When we were about to strike each other, she was pretending to go head-on but at the last second, she slides to avoid my strike, and successfully hit me quite hard. "怪我をしてすみません。" (Sorry about your injury.) She takes the ice pack from the fridge and places it in the area I was hit.

Jinstuu: "これが私のモーニングコールとして機能する場合でも、心配する必要はありません。" (Don't worry about it if anything this serves as my wake-up call.) We look out to the ocean. "あなたはこれに不慣れですが、あなたはよく戦った。どうすればこれをうまくやれるのだろうかと思わずにはいられません。" (Even though you're new to this, you fought well. I can't help but wonder how you're able to do this well?)

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