Baptism of Fire

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It's already early morning as the morning mist covers the base, Iwo Jima was already up wanting to train a little with the equipment that she'll use during her trial. She heads to the docks to grab her equipment so she could practice, Chitose soon woke up to notice she's already gone. She does know where she could've gone and decides to check the docks since she never had sortied with her riggings.

Haida, on the other hand, was getting ready to show what she was worth, and like Iwo Jima, she's also testing her rigging when Shigure noticed her getting out of bed, as for Yuudachi well she's still asleep.

Iwo's POV

I was preparing to hit the ocean when I heard someone call me.

Chitose: "おはようございます、リギングを試してみませんか?" (Good morning, heading to try out your rigging?)

Iwo: "ええ、よろしければ教えてもらえますか?" (Yeah, if you don't mind can you teach me?)

Chitose smiling: "もちろん。" (Of course.) She gets her rigging and we hit the water together. "動き回ることから始めましょう。自分が前進していると考えて、ゆっくりと始めましょう。" (We'll start with moving around, think of yourself moving forward let's start slow.)

I start to think like she said I think of myself walking on the beach, and propellers at my heels responding to it.

Chitose: "順調です。今度は方向転換します。スケートをしているときに考えてみてください。" (Good you're doing well, now we'll go onto turning, think of it as you're skating.)

I nod my head in response, I start to think of skating like she said, my rudders at the heel of my shoes were turning slowly.

Chitose: "それでは、もう少し速くしましょう。" (Now then, let's get a bit faster.)

I started to do things a little faster, increasing the output of my engine, decreasing my rudder shift time. She smiles at the fact I was progressing quickly.

Chitose: "基本が終わったので、銃を狙いましょう。" (Now that the basics are over, let's aim your guns.)

There were guns on my rigging near my island, I think of pointing them in a direction, and they respond to my thoughts pointing at the sky.

Chitose: "最後に、航空機の打ち上げと回収です。" (Finally, is the launch and recovery of aircraft.)

The rigging I was equipped with was a bow and quiver filled with arrows, as well as an arm flight deck with the label 闘機 (Fighter), I place the arrow on my bow, pulled it, then shot my arrow revealing a flight of fighters. They moved into formation and circle above us, after a while I thought of them landing on the deck, one by one they moved into a landing position moving my right arm up so they can start landing. Once they've landed, they turn back into an arrow, and I put it back.

Chitose: "さて、テストに移りましょう。学んだことをすべて1つにまとめます。練習機を使ってストライキをシミュレートします。遠慮なく撃墜してください。" (Good, now on to the test, combine all that you've learned into one. I'll use training planes to simulate a strike, don't hesitate to shoot them down.)

Iwo: "はい。" (Yes.)

She begins to pull the strings on her aircraft, I was amazed at her skill before coming back to my senses. I quickly launched my planes for cover, they shoot down while they could before my cannons started firing like a volcano erupting. Some managed to break through it and launched their ordnance, I managed to evade every single one of them with my quick decisions, even as there were attacks from my port and starboard, as well as from above. I was exhausted from it.

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