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Carina POV

There she sat. I tried to look away, but I couldn't. Her hair had become longer and somehow even more beautiful. When I looked into her face, her blue eyes had already fixed me. Blue met brown. All the feelings I tried so desperately to hide came up again.

Anger, hate, fear, but most of all love and disappointment.

"Hey." She whispered softly

"Good morning Mrs. Bishop." I said formally. I wanted to act as professional as possible. "Why are you here?" Only now did I notice the hickeys on her neck. They had faded, but they were still there. A feeling all too familiar to me flared up. Jealousy. But why was I jealous? I had long since lost the right to be.

"Ehh, yeah, so..so I ehh." She stammered

"I don't have all day." I said annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah you're right. So I have a little problem there." She looked down at her hands in embarrassment.

"Am I supposed to be able to read your mind? And what do I have to do with your problems?" I looked at her.

"Well..you you..." she stuttered on. "Maya, you have to talk to me if you're going to come here."

"Well..you deal with women's medical conditions, don't you?" I looked at her in amazement.

"Si. Maya, that's my job." Suddenly it hit me. My eyes snapped open. "Are you pregnant?!" "God no. I'm here because I have a little problem." She finally looked at me again. I was still standing in the middle of the room.

"Well I don't know if it's anything bad exactly, but I think it burns all the time..well...you know where." I loved how she was embarrassed to talk about such things.

"And why are you coming to me, of all people?" I asked.

"You know how I am. I can't stand showing my private parts to strangers just like that." She blushed.

"Oh, all of a sudden?" I snapped at her.

"Carina I" "Dr. DeLuca for you." She winced. Her expression grew sadder. She lowered her head and nodded before continuing "Dr. DeLuca would you take a look at this to tell me if everything is okay?"

"Take of your pants and underwaer." I took a deep breath.

She took off her pants and underwear. Damn, why did I agree to examine her!

"Lie down and spread your legs." I told her and I noticed how she grinned. I also had to shake my head with a slight smile at my sentence. She lay down and I put on a fresh pair of gloves.

"How long have you had the discomfort?" "Ehh..a week ago I had sex" I swallowed hard "and since then I feel like something is wrong." I nodded and examined her. I couldn't find anything that could explain Maya's discomfort though.

She dressed again and sat back down. "Well?" she asked hesitantly. "I couldn't find anything that could explain your discomfort. Had you used protection?" Everything tightened inside me. I hated that she had sex. I know this is irrational, but I can't stop my feelings.

"Ughh..I'm not sure." "How you're not sure?" i asked. How could she be so stupid and not use protection? "Yeah, I don't know. I was drunk, he was drunk, and everything happened so fast. Too fast." She whispered the last part barely audible. But I heard it and smiled.

"Do you know if he has any diseases?" "Carina, I don't even know his name. I met him in the bar across from the hospital." I noticed her getting more and more tense.

There was a knock. Maya winced. "Yes?" I called, and the door opened. Into the room stepped my little brother. "Andrea, what do you want?" I sighed. I didn't get an answer.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, looking at Maya in shock. Maya lifted her head and looked at my brother. "Maya?" he asked again. "Shit." She said dryly.

"Wait wait wait. You're here because you think I infected you with something?" he asked pissed off. I didn't understand what was going on right now. But then I connected the dots and I hastily stood up. "You", I pointed to Maya, "and you" I pointed to my brother, "you had sex?! Porca puttana." (Holy shit). My hands clenched into fists. My breathing was getting faster and faster. I grabbed my chair and my knuckles turned white.

I had to get out of here. I couldn't stay here a second longer. My brother was having sex with the woman I love more than anything.

"Cos'è Carina?" (What is Carina?)

"Dici sul serio? Hai fatto sesso con la mia ex ragazza!?" (Are you serious? You had sex with my ex-girlfriend?!) my voice was loud. My blood was boiling.

I looked into Andrea's eyes as he slowly realized what had happened. "Damn... That Maya. How could I have forgotten? Carina, I'm sorry." He slapped his forehead with the flat of his hand.

"Wait a minute. You're siblings?" asked Maya. "Yes..." whispered I. "OK, this is a shitty situation now." "Oh come on Maya. I'm glad you finally realize that too." I shouted.

"But why actually?" she asked. "Mmmh?" "Well Carina, we are not together anymore. It follows that I can sleep with whomever I want. And now it was your brother. That happens. But there's nothing we can do about it now." She said in a calm tone. She didn't seem to mind at all. So my last hope that she still felt something for me disappeared.

I felt my heart breaking again at this realization. Damn, why does this woman still have such power over me?

I pulled myself together. And believe me when I say it wasn't easy.

"Okay. Mrs. Bishop, I couldn't detect anything unusual about you. Either I can run some tests, or we can ask Andrea if he has any illnesses." I looked at Maya. She nodded. Then we both looked at Andrea. "Andrea?" asked Maya. "Andrew. Please call me Andrew. Only she can call me Andrea." He spoke with a tense jaw. "And to your question, no, I don't have any diseases. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have work to do"

He pressed a file into my hand and left the room. I put the file on a table and turned back to Maya. "So? Do you want me to run some tests?" "No. If he says he's fine, then I'll wait and see for now." "Maya, if anything changes, you know you can always come to me and I'll run the tests." "Yes. Eh, thank you Cari- Dr.DeLuca."

Maya stood up and smoothed out her clothes.

I looked sadly into a corner of the room. Maya moved toward the door. She stopped but didn't turn around, "I'm sorry." I took a deep breath and looked at her back.

"And I'm not just talking about today and that with Andrew. I mean everything Carina. I hope someday you can forgive me. I hope someday you believe me that I really loved you. No..That I really love you." With these words she opened the door and disappeared.

I stood in the middle of the room and couldn't stop the tears.

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