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"Car, please be quiet." mewled Maya as she rolled over and buried her face in the pillow. "Hmm? What is it?" asked Carina completely perplexed. "You're supposed to be quiet." repeated Maya. "I didn't say anything, did I?" retorted Carina, who by now had propped herself up on her lower seed, looking down at Maya.

"Then who's been whimpering here for 10 minutes?" she whined, "I'm so tired."

"Yeah, me too, but Bambina, I was asleep. I wasn't whimpering." After a brief silence, they heard the whimpering again.

"That sounds more like someone crying." said Carina cautiously. Maya then straightened up as well and looked at the door.

"Should we go look?" she asked uncertainly. "Yeah, who knows what happened." Tired, Maya stood up, pulling Carina with her. As she opened the door, it squeaked slightly, and both women screwed up their faces.

"What time is it anyway?" asked Maya quietly. "Four o'clock." Maya groaned softly and stepped into the hallway.

Together, the two followed the sound until they eventually stood outside Liviana's door. Astonished, the two looked at each other before Carina knocked lightly on the door, opening it after a few seconds.

Both women entered the room and saw Liv, who was sitting cross-legged in bed with headphones. Her gaze went out the window into the dark night. Carina looked at Maya, who just shrugged her shoulders.

In order not to scare Liv, Carina cleared her throat a little louder, but Liv didn't react. Her music and whimpering could be heard in the quiet room. As Maya and Carina continued to walk toward her, they saw the tears on her cheeks in the moonlight.

When Liv suddenly noticed movement in the corner of her eye, she jumped up, ripping her headphones off her head. Her hand landed on her chest and she breathed loud and fast.

"Damn, what are you doing here?" she asked, annoyed.

"Language." Liv just nodded, rolling her eyes which Carina was glad she didn't see.

"Hey." warned Maya, but Liv didn't seem to pay any attention to her.

"So, why are you guys here? Did something happen?" "I was going to ask you that question, actually. Is everything okay? We heard you crying." Liv turned her face so that it disappeared completely into the darkness.
"Everything's fine."



"If you're crying at four in the morning and not sleeping, then I have the authority to worry." She walked toward the bed and sat down next to Liv.

"Everything's fine."

"Did something happen with Neo? Did he say again that no one wants you?" Liv was silent.
"I've been talking to her about this for 20 minutes, why won't he listen to me?" muttered Carina, annoyed.

"Neo has nothing to do with this."

"Oh..Ok. Did something happen at school? Did you get picked on? Did you get a bad grade?" Liv again didn't respond.

"Liv, we can't help you if you don't tell us what happened." said Maya carefully, in a soft voice. She also walked toward the bed and sat on the other side of Liv.

"I don't want any help. Especially not yours." she spat.

"Did I do something to you?" asked Maya in a hurt voice.

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